Wednesday, October 8, 2008

3 Simple Tips To Melt Fa.t and Keep It Off!

They're absolutely NOT...

1. Exercise 14 hours per week. (note: In December I'll be having an article published on why exercise alone doesn't work).

2. Eat only carrots and celery.

3. Never enjoy life.

They're simple and effective...of course when done consistently.

I just had an article published in North Shore Magazine on these 3 simple fa.t loss tips.

To find out what they are, visit and click "Read Online". Then click on the magazine cover. My article is on page 27.

As you'll find out in the article these are really simple to do, but consistency has got to be implemented if you want to see lasting results.

Take it from a client of mine who's been consistent with the nutrition plan I've put him on and he's lost almost 60 pounds in less than 3 months!

Want those kind of results?

This can be you! Start today.


p.s. For your FR.EE consultation to help you drop body fa.t fast and keep it off, call me at 604.626.2342 or email me at

p.p.s. Visit for the 3 simple fa.t loss tips!
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