Tuesday, April 28, 2009

North Vancouver Personal Trainer Reveals What It Takes To Lose Fat

This is probably a question most, if not everyone, want to know as most are not even getting the results they want and fewer are keeping the results they get.

A fellow boot camp instructor in Vermont, Ben Warstler, wrote an interesting article on what it REALLY takes to lose fat and I agree with him in regards to this one thing. I'm not as strict as him in the area of eating 5 meals per day, but the over all idea of what he's talking about is absolutely KEY!

Click the link below to see if you are following this key:


Resurrect your body back to life!


p.s. If you want to get started, check out North Vancouver's Resurrect Your Body Boot Camp by visiting http://www.ResurrectYourBodyBootCamp.com and get a FREE 1-week trial.
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