Friday, October 24, 2014

The 8 Supplements I Highly Recommend

I hope you are having a great day. Proper nutrition and supplementation is vital in my mind so I've detailed below my top 8 supplements I recommend.

But before that I just wanted to remind you about our Christmas Party that's coming happening on Saturday Nov. 22, 2014 at 6pm at the gym. All members and their guests are welcome. I have created a Facebook invite for it so please RSVP through that or email me back letting me know you are coming. I've copy the link below. The cost is $10 per person (kids 10 years old and under come free). No need to bring anything other than your beautiful self as the event is being catered by Michelle Kirk and her catering company, MK caterin. Friends and family are more than welcome to join you as well. Please do not wear your workout gear. It'll be nice to see everyone dressed up and looking sharp. No need to worry as there will be no WOD scheduled ;)

Christmas Party Event link:

1) Krill Oil/Omega-3s
Years ago, the ratio of pro-inflammatory (bad) Omega 6 to anti-inflammatory (good and healthful) Omega 3 was close to 1:1 in one's diet. Unfortunately, most of us with a SAD (Standard American Diet) get way too much Omega 6 and way too little Omega 3, and that unhealthy ratio tends to keep many of us in a constant state of systemic inflammation. Since Omega 3 oils are found in fewer and fewer modern foods (fish being one of the few, but fresh fish also being impractical to eat regularly due to heavy-metal content) the single easiest way to overcome this serious deficit and rebalance your Omegas is to take highly purified Omega 3 supplements, preferably krill oil.

Click this link and check out the infographic that compares fish oil vs. krill oil.

Benefits include: boosts heart health, a powerful antioxidant, a strong anti-inflammatory, boots immune system, improves joint lubrication, encourages a healthy liver, eases PMS symptoms, maintains healthy cholesterol and blood sugar levels, improves brain health and much more.

Suggested Use: Take 1000-2000 mg per day.

2) Multivitamin
The way I look at a multivitamin is it fills in the holes in your diet where you are missing things. It's like an insurance policy, it has your back just in case something happens, i.e. your diet sucks. Look for one that is whole foods based.

Suggested Use: Take 1 capsule per day (depending on brand)

3) Vitamin D3
Research suggests that up to 85% of people could be deficient in vitamin D without knowing it...leaving them with less-than-optimal health. Because current scientific research suggests that all cells and tissues in your body have vitamin D receptors - and further concludes that every cell and tissue needs vitamin D for its well-being. Not only that, but vitamin D is responsible for the regulation of over 2,000 genes in your body!

Suggested Use: Take 4-5000 IU per day.

4) Magnesium Bisglycinate
Magnesium bisglycinate is an essential mineral needed for more than 300 enzymatic reactions in the body. This mineral is required for the formation of healthy bones and teeth, protein and fatty acid formation, activating B vitamins, supporting muscle activity, nerve transmission, relaxing blood vessels, clotting blood, temperature regulation and ensuring intestinal mobility also called bowel movements. Magnesium bisglycinate is the only magnesium shown to cross the blood brain barrier which makes it an excellent choice for aiding those with depression and/or anxiety, or migraine headaches.

Suggested Use: Take 350-500 mg per day.

5) Vitamin K2
Benefits include: helps move calcium into the proper areas in the body, such as your bones and teeth and removes calcium from areas where it shouldn't be, such as your arteries and soft tissues. It's essential to take when taking vitamin D3.

Suggested Use: Take 120-240 mcg per day.

6) Protandim
Protandim, the Nrf2 Synergizer, has been shown to reduce Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substances or TBARS value, by an average of 40% in 30 days. TBARS are used to measure free radical activity and oxidative lipid peroxidation, which measures cell damage caused by free radicals. When Nrf2 is activated, it induces the body's natural antioxidant defenses to help repel free radicals a million times better than vitamin C. In fact our own natural antioxidants that our bodies produce neutralize free radicals at a ratio of 1 million to 1 antioxidant every second whereas other antioxidants such as Vitamin C and E for instance do so at a ratio of 1 to 1.

Check out this video to learn more:

Suggested Use: 1 tablet per day.
Available from us directly or at

7) Post Workout Shake
After every workout I recommend taking a shake of whey protein powder and a fast acting carb that's low in fructose such as apricots, figs, kiwis, pineapples, rice cakes, white rice, maple syrup to help build muscle, reglycogenate (replenish glycogen stores) and recover. You may also want to add BCAAs and glutamine to enhance muscle recovery and protein synthesis.

The reason for taking a post workout shake is your muscles are starving for nutrition and your body is in a catabolic state (tissue breakdown state) so you want to get it into an anabolic state (tissue building state) as fast as you can and with the right post workout shake, you can do this.

Suggested Use: Consume within one hour after your workout.
The protein powder I use is available at

8) Probiotics
Probiotics are living, direct-fed microbials that promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestines. They work by colonizing the intestinal tract and crowding out disease-causing bacteria, viruses, and yeasts. Several trillion bacteria live symbiotically in our gut today albeit not all are good and depending on which of the two is winning the flora war, your health will be determined.

Being stressed, getting sick, taking antibiotics, eating certain processed foods all support the growth of unhealthy bacteria and yeast forms while choking out the healthy flora. Many people whose diets include daily doses of yogurt or acidophilus are able to maintain healthy gut flora, but these sources aren’t always reliable (pasteurizing and added sugars can reduce their effectiveness), and not everyone can tolerate dairy that well. For that reason, I think it’s wise to take probiotic supplements on occasion. Not necessarily every day, since once these “seeds” have been planted in a healthy gut, they tend to multiply and flourish easily on their own. I’d certainly take extra probiotics under times of great stress or when you’ve been sick or are taking (or have just taken) a course of antibiotics.

Dramatic changes can be seen in people suffering from Crohn’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, Candida, asthma, and other allergies when probiotics are taken.

I hope these tips helped :)


Reference for #1 and 8:

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