I just recently read a great article by one of my colleagues Chad Waterbury, a body transformation expert in California, on what foods to use to kick your body into fat burning mode without feeling too deprived. These simple changes can be profound. Thought you'd enjoy it.
It’s been said a myriad of times by fitness experts and regular folks. I’m sure you’re tired of hearing it as most people are that you dislike dieting.
If you're a “foodie” by nature your distaste for dieting may be even stronger. You may love food, and you won’t deprive yourself in any way. I hear you loud and clear as I enjoy great food as much as the next person but it comes to burning fat and getting lean simply add foods into you diet while dropping others out. For instance, instead of having a sweet potato with a piece of lean beef, eat broccoli with the beef instead. That way, you're not eating less food (in terms of bulk) but are getting fewer calories and more nutrients.
And that, my friends, is the KEY to fat loss: feed your body fewer calories but more nutrients. You see, nutrients are all those magical little chemicals that are found in vegetables, fruits, and lean protein. Nutrients feed your metabolism while promoting health. The amount of nutrients in a half cup of fresh blueberries far exceeds what’s contained in a baked potato, and it has only a fraction of the calories.
When people go on a diet they end up starving their metabolism which, in turn, causes their body to hold on to every spare ounce of fat. This is a hard-wired protective mechanism that keeps us alive when food is scarce particularly years ago when that was the case. Now that food is widely available, this metabolic shift is nothing more than a hindrance that keeps you from seeing your abs. Simply substituting a white carb (bread, pasta, potato) with a half cup of berries will help promote fat loss.
High fiber foods are even better. Fiber really is God’s fat burner since foods that have plenty of it satisfy your cravings and stabilize your blood sugar. In essence, you’ll eat less and feel satisfied for longer periods just by adding the following foods into your diet. Replace any white carbs with the following and you will lose fat:
Black beans (15 grams per cup)
Quinoa (10 grams per cup)
Raspberries (8 grams per cup)
For example, have quinoa for breakfast instead of toast (for those who have learned my "Unstoppable Fat Loss Nutrition System would want to leave the quinoa aside only on Low Carb days however on Low GI and Higher GI days its fine. If you're not sure what I'm talking about and would like to learn my nutrition system for losing weight week after week WITHOUT hitting plateaus let me know). At lunch, eat black beans instead of a white potato. For dinner, eat a cup of fresh raspberries for dessert and skip the pasta. These simple steps boost fiber, reduce total calories, and feed your metabolism the nutrients it needs to stay running strong.
Another trick is to add spices to your food (these are one of my favourite things to add to my meals). This boosts the flavor of your meal and since spices are the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet you’ll invariably boost your health along the way. Cinnamon and cumin, for example, are two of the best spices since they can help promote weight loss.
Breakfast is an especially important time to flood your body with nutrients so your metabolism will kick start after going for hours without food. Here’s one of Chad's favourite shakes to get lean.
Mix in a blender in 16 ounces of water:
1.5 scoops of protein powder (Prograde Protein)
1 cup fresh spinach
1 cup frozen mixed berries
2 teaspoons cacao nibs
1 tablespoon goji berries
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
This shake is low in calories but it contains more nutrients than most people get in a day. And don’t worry about the spinach, you won’t even know it’s in there.
Your unstoppable fat loss formula,
PS. Join our 30 Day Cleanse Challenge and Lose 6-15 lbs!
As one of the sponsors I would like to personally invite you to our second NORTH SHORE 30 Day Cleanse Challenge! On June 26th, 2010 begin taking control of your health and wellness through nutritional cleansing, exercise, healthy eating and group support.
Whether your goal is to lose weight or to get lean (typical weight loss that you can expect is between 6-15 lbs in 30 days), this challenge is guaranteed to help you achieve your goals in a fun and supportive environment. Every participant will receive 1 week of FREE boot camp (unless you are a current member) and free bi-weekly weigh-ins, coaching and community.
Every participant will receive:
* 1-Week FREE Fitness Boot Camp with Resurrect Your Body Boot Camp
* 2 Great Prize Packages to be Won
* Before and After Pictures
* Free Coaching and Group Support Sessions
* Special offers from our community sponsors
We are having an informational session tomorrow night Wednesday June 23th, 2010 (changed from last Sunday) at BFit located at #103 - 38 Fell Ave., North Vancouver at 8pm. If you want to try some of the product, ask questions you may have or just check out what this Cleanse Challenge is all about come on by. Note: you do not need to attend the informational session to sign-up. It's just there if you need it. If you plan on coming email or call me so I know to expect you.
Learn more about our exciting prizes on our event website at:
If you have any questions or you would like to register for the challenge please contact Tyron Piteau at 604.626.2342 or email TyronPiteau@gmail.com.
PPS. If you live in Vancouver, BC and want to experience some of the best rapid weight loss personal training that GUARANTEES you'll lose at least a clothing size in 30 days or your money back, click the link below:
==> North Vancouver Personal Training
PPPS. Or if you live in North or West Vancouver, BC and want more of a group setting at a cheaper price than 1-on-1 personal training but still want to experience one of the best rapid weight loss fitness boot camps that also GUARANTEES you'll lose at least a clothing size in 30 days and will help you get results fast and get you lean and strong like the beautiful ladies in the video below (check out the video if you haven't already it's hilarious), then please click the link below:
==> North Vancouver Boot Camp
==> Here's the video:
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Nutrition & Fitness Help for Real World Fat loss Training and Lean Muscle Building at www.MakersBody.com
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Your Primary Fat Loss Enemy: The Definitive Guide to Sugar
As mentioned in a previous post that insulin is the primary hormone we need to control if we're going to have any sort of success when it comes to lose weight, keeping it off and looking and feeling the way we want. Well I've finished reading that great book that one of my trainers lent me (thanks James!) that I mentioned to you before called The Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson (MarksDailyApple.com) and I wanted to share with you what he says to say about sugar, its different types and the impact it how on insulin (there's that hormone again) and weight gain.
When it comes to weight/fat loss it's all about INSULIN (if you haven't read that one I highly recommend you do so you gain a greater understanding of it)! And when it comes to controlling insulin and its impact on weight gain, its all about SUGAR! If you've been struggling to lose weight this WILL really help in understanding what's going on. Let's delve into this a little deeper.
Buckle up. [Again as mentioned last post, if I harp on any particular food you enjoy; there's no need to worry as I won't say you can never eat that food again (sounds like a mild form of torture) as you can enjoy ALL your favourite foods on your Cheat Day once per week as outlined in my Unstoppable Fat Loss Nutrition System. (For those who don't know the premise behind a Cheat Day its part of my nutrition program and its necessary to keeping your metabolism elevated and your body in fat burning mode as strange as it sounds...it works!)]
Your Primary Fat Loss Enemy: The Definitive Guide to Sugar

You’d think this post would come with a blaring alarm, flashing strobe light or at least an ominous gong. Sugar, after all, gets little welcome around these parts. It’s on one hand a dastardly devil, shameless snare for many a man, woman and child. Beyond this luring, ignoble reputation, however, you’ll find (as is so often the case in life and biology) the story is a bit more complicated – and compelling – than the proverbial black hat. Sugar comes in many forms of course, and each of these leaves a certain amount of damage and destruction in its path. Yet, what do we do when sugar naturally accompanies some of the healthiest fare out there? Do we forgo it altogether when a touch ties an otherwise good Primal recipe together? Are the typical substitutions any better when we choose to use a sweetener? We’ve covered the artificial options in the past, but today I’ll give several natural varieties of sugar their due – the obligatory facts, the practical details and a final Primal analysis.
Why Avoid Sugar?
How could I possibly talk sugar without the warning? If you’ve spent any time around MDA, you likely know the drill. Despite its beloved place (not to mention omnipresence) in our culinary culture, sugar offers the following gifts that keep on giving:
* Sugar stimulates a physiological stressor-reaction cascade that provokes adrenaline and cortisol release and thickens the blood.
* Sugar effectively disables your immune system by impairing white blood cells’ functioning.
* Sugar decreases your body’s production of leptin, a hormone critical for appetite regulation.
* Sugar induces significant oxidative stress in the body.
* Sugar appears to fuel cancer cells. (Check out Free the Animal for much more on the cancer connection.)
* Sugar promotes fat storage and weight gain.
* Sugar disrupts the effective transfer of amino acids to muscle tissue.
* Sugar intake over time spurs insulin resistance, subsequent Type II diabetes and the entire host of related health issues like nerve damage and cardiovascular disease.
Yes, sugar is one insanely powerful drug. Addictive, to boot.
Different Types of Sugar
Public service message aside, let’s get into the nitty-gritty now. Chemically speaking, there are different kinds of sugar. The natural sweeteners and sugary foods we eat contain varying proportions of these. Let’s look at a few of the most common forms.
Glucose is the cornerstone of most carbohydrates. It’s a monosaccharide that often combines with and creates other forms of sugar (e.g. sucrose, lactose). In plants, glucose is formed through photosynthesis and stored as starch. In our own bodies, glucose is a precursor for (and product of) glycogen. It’s the common currency of carb-based fuels. In fact, our bodies manufacture glucose (through gluconeogenesis) when our blood levels get too low. Dextrose, a common isomer (same formula, different structure) of glucose, is also referred to as dextroglucose or glucose. Insulin directs glucose processing in the body when blood glucose is already sufficient or high. Glucose supply can be routed to cells throughout the body (e.g. brain cells, red blood cells, etc.) and used right away for energy, or it can be condensed and stored in both the liver and muscle as glycogen for later use. Maltose is a disaccharide joining two glucose molecules. Although it is significantly less sweet (about half of glucose’s sweetness), it is metabolized in the same way glucose is.
Then there’s fructose, which is an isomer of glucose. It’s also called crystalline fructose, laevulose/levulose, or fruit sugar. (Crystalline fructose isn’t the same as the manufactured concoction called high fructose corn syrup. We’ll get to that one shortly.)
Some people have a harder time digesting fructose than others. Fructose (in the form of certain fruits, corn syrup, etc.) can cause everything from bloating to diarrhea in these folks. Some experts argue that fructose is a better choice for those with diabetes/insulin resistance because it’s more densely sweet, which encourages people to use less. It also has a lower glycemic value than glucose or sucrose. Indeed, fructose raises insulin less than glucose; however, fructose results in higher ghrelin levels, which boost rather than suppress appetite like insulin does. It also appears to throw off mineral levels (PDF) in the body. Finally, fructose is processed almost solely by the liver. There is some evidence that this concentrated burden on the liver over time can contribute to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. The liver’s metabolism of fructose also produces uric acid, a predictor of cardiovascular disease. Fructose appears to be some pretty nasty stuff. For more information on fructose see Dr. Lustig’s video presentation, Sugar: The Bitter Truth, and then follow it up with a counter-perspective from Don Matesz: Paleo Basics: Fact vs. Fiction.
Sucrose is a disaccharide sugar comprised of fructose and glucose in a 1:1 ratio. It’s perhaps the most familiar of the sugars, since sucrose is also known as table sugar. Although it’s found in fruit and other plants (often with varying amounts of free fructose), sugar cane and sugar beets are the most popular sources for commercial production. Given that sucrose contains a large amount of fructose, it shows similar metabolic patterns to the monosaccharide fructose and particularly to high fructose corn syrup, which is commonly blended to an approximate 55% fructose: 45% glucose mixture.
Common Sugar Sweeteners
Now that we’ve covered the basics on the most common sugars, there’s the question of how all this plays out in our everyday choices. Clearly, we want to avoid sugar as a whole, but few of us achieve full sugar abstinence 100% of the time. Consider this run-through a quick and dirty snapshot of common sweeteners that can inform your decision-making.
Glucose Syrup/Corn Syrup
Glucose syrup in this country is usually made from corn, but it can be produced from other starches like potatoes and rice. Chemically speaking, true glucose syrup/corn syrup consists mainly of glucose sugar; however, some companies like Karo add fructose to their products. It’s commonly used as a sweetener plus emulsifier for food items that require a smooth texture like hard candy. Although glucose itself rates a 100 on the glycemic scale, corn syrup generally falls around 75.
Like corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is produced from corn starch; however, the manufacturing process deliberately converts a certain percentage of initial glucose into fructose. The two most common HFCS mixtures are HFCS-55 (containing 55% fructose) and HFCS-42, the former typically added to sodas and the latter added to other processed foods. The presence of fructose in HFCS appears to be key behind its myriad of negative health effects. Fructose content not only contributes to liver disease but lowers HDL levels while increasing small, dense (and more dangerous) LDL particles. As mentioned earlier, fructose also doesn’t flip the hormonal satiation switch as glucose does. Finally, the HFCS industry has been haunted by evidence of mercury contamination related to its production techniques.
Table Sugar/Sucrose
As mentioned, table sugar is actually a 1:1 combination of glucose and fructose and is metabolized in much the same way as HFCS. It’s GI measures around 64. One potential advantage of table sugar over HFCS is the absence of risk for mercury contamination.
Fruit Sugar
Even if you’ve sworn off adding sweetener of any kind to any food ever, there’s the question of fruit. Although the PB advises moderation and selectivity for most nutritional bang for the sugar buck, the best Primal fruits offer some of the highest ORAC values you can get from anything. Is it really necessary to swear off even nutritional powerhouses like berries and cherries to avoid their natural sugar content? The picture gets further complicated by the fact that “fruit sugar” doesn’t exist as a consistent chemical formula. Different fruits contain varying ratios of fructose, glucose and sucrose. Higher fructose-containing fruits include apples and pears, mangos and papaya, while relatively lower fructose fruits include cherries, figs, plums, kiwi, fresh and dried apricots, dried prunes and bananas. Keep in mind, however, that lower fructose ratio fruits can be higher in total sugar.
Raw Honey
Honey consists of dextrose and fructose (broken down from sucrose through honey bee’s digestion) in a nearly 1:1 ratio (with other components such as water, wax, nutrients, etc.). Raw honey has a glycemic index of about 30, but processed honey clocks in around 75. Those who have a harder time digesting fructose can often tolerate honey. Although conventional processing destroys much of honey’s natural benefits, raw honey serves up a (many claim therapeutic) dose of antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, amino acids, and enzymes.
Maple Syrup
Maple syrup is boiled and refined sap from maple trees. It has a GI of 54 and is low in free fructose but high in the fructose-glucose disaccharide sucrose. Nutritionally speaking, it contains manganese, iron and calcium.
Although molasses has a fairly equal fructose-glucose ratio (half in free fructose/free glucose and half in disaccharide sucrose), it offers the nutrients extracted in table sugar production: iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, copper and zinc.
Agave Nectar
The last few year have marked agave nectar’s time in the sun, so to speak. The sweetener has enjoyed growing popularity for some time, but experts are beginning to question whether agave nectar lives up to its reputation. Agave nectar is often heralded as low on the glycemic index (15), however, processing techniques result in a 75% or more fructose content. Given the increasing strikes against fructose, it’s harder to justify use of a higher fructose sweetener without significant nutritional benefit.
Palm Sugar/Coconut Sugar
An up and coming (in this country) sweetener is coconut sugar. The sugar is actually made from a variety of palm sources, but the palm and coconut labels are used (albeit mistakenly) interchangeably. It’s largely sucrose-based and registers in the 30s/40s on the GI. The taste is relatively light from what I understand, and the nutritional profile is worth noting.
There you go, folks. Information is power when it comes to your health, and I hope this list offered good food for thought. Here’s my analysis. When you are choosing whether/how to include sugars in your Primal diet, I’d suggest paying closest attention to the total sugar content first, then to any nutritional benefits, and finally to the fructose content. Blueberries might have a relatively equal fructose/glucose ratio, but they offer huge antioxidant benefit. On the other hand, dried apricots have a lower fructose ratio, but their overall sugar content dwarfs many fruits ounce for ounce. Raw honey and coconut sugar likewise offer solid nutritional benefit for their sugar content compared to other sweeteners. Of course, any sugar should be used in strict moderation, but it’s clear not all sweeteners are Primally equal.
Now it’s your turn, my friends. I’ll look forward to reading your thoughts! Thanks for joining me today.
PS. Stay tuned for our next 45 Day Transformation Weight Loss Cleanse Challenge packed with prizes for all participants and a grand prize for the winner and the one who refers the most people to the Challenge. We'll most likely starting the next 45 Day Cleanse Challenge Saturday August 21, 2010. Just recently a client of ours on the cleanse lost between 20-23 pounds in only 30 days!
PPS. If you live in Vancouver, BC and want to experience some of the best rapid weight loss personal training that GUARANTEES you results or your money back, click the link below:
==> North Vancouver Personal Training
PPPS. Or if you live in North or West Vancouver, BC and want more of a group setting at a cheaper price than 1-on-1 personal training but still want to experience one of the best rapid weight loss fitness boot camps that'll help you get results fast and get you lean and strong then please click the link below:
==> North Vancouver Boot Camp Tweet This
When it comes to weight/fat loss it's all about INSULIN (if you haven't read that one I highly recommend you do so you gain a greater understanding of it)! And when it comes to controlling insulin and its impact on weight gain, its all about SUGAR! If you've been struggling to lose weight this WILL really help in understanding what's going on. Let's delve into this a little deeper.
Buckle up. [Again as mentioned last post, if I harp on any particular food you enjoy; there's no need to worry as I won't say you can never eat that food again (sounds like a mild form of torture) as you can enjoy ALL your favourite foods on your Cheat Day once per week as outlined in my Unstoppable Fat Loss Nutrition System. (For those who don't know the premise behind a Cheat Day its part of my nutrition program and its necessary to keeping your metabolism elevated and your body in fat burning mode as strange as it sounds...it works!)]
Your Primary Fat Loss Enemy: The Definitive Guide to Sugar

You’d think this post would come with a blaring alarm, flashing strobe light or at least an ominous gong. Sugar, after all, gets little welcome around these parts. It’s on one hand a dastardly devil, shameless snare for many a man, woman and child. Beyond this luring, ignoble reputation, however, you’ll find (as is so often the case in life and biology) the story is a bit more complicated – and compelling – than the proverbial black hat. Sugar comes in many forms of course, and each of these leaves a certain amount of damage and destruction in its path. Yet, what do we do when sugar naturally accompanies some of the healthiest fare out there? Do we forgo it altogether when a touch ties an otherwise good Primal recipe together? Are the typical substitutions any better when we choose to use a sweetener? We’ve covered the artificial options in the past, but today I’ll give several natural varieties of sugar their due – the obligatory facts, the practical details and a final Primal analysis.
Why Avoid Sugar?
How could I possibly talk sugar without the warning? If you’ve spent any time around MDA, you likely know the drill. Despite its beloved place (not to mention omnipresence) in our culinary culture, sugar offers the following gifts that keep on giving:
* Sugar stimulates a physiological stressor-reaction cascade that provokes adrenaline and cortisol release and thickens the blood.
* Sugar effectively disables your immune system by impairing white blood cells’ functioning.
* Sugar decreases your body’s production of leptin, a hormone critical for appetite regulation.
* Sugar induces significant oxidative stress in the body.
* Sugar appears to fuel cancer cells. (Check out Free the Animal for much more on the cancer connection.)
* Sugar promotes fat storage and weight gain.
* Sugar disrupts the effective transfer of amino acids to muscle tissue.
* Sugar intake over time spurs insulin resistance, subsequent Type II diabetes and the entire host of related health issues like nerve damage and cardiovascular disease.
Yes, sugar is one insanely powerful drug. Addictive, to boot.
Different Types of Sugar
Public service message aside, let’s get into the nitty-gritty now. Chemically speaking, there are different kinds of sugar. The natural sweeteners and sugary foods we eat contain varying proportions of these. Let’s look at a few of the most common forms.
Glucose is the cornerstone of most carbohydrates. It’s a monosaccharide that often combines with and creates other forms of sugar (e.g. sucrose, lactose). In plants, glucose is formed through photosynthesis and stored as starch. In our own bodies, glucose is a precursor for (and product of) glycogen. It’s the common currency of carb-based fuels. In fact, our bodies manufacture glucose (through gluconeogenesis) when our blood levels get too low. Dextrose, a common isomer (same formula, different structure) of glucose, is also referred to as dextroglucose or glucose. Insulin directs glucose processing in the body when blood glucose is already sufficient or high. Glucose supply can be routed to cells throughout the body (e.g. brain cells, red blood cells, etc.) and used right away for energy, or it can be condensed and stored in both the liver and muscle as glycogen for later use. Maltose is a disaccharide joining two glucose molecules. Although it is significantly less sweet (about half of glucose’s sweetness), it is metabolized in the same way glucose is.
Then there’s fructose, which is an isomer of glucose. It’s also called crystalline fructose, laevulose/levulose, or fruit sugar. (Crystalline fructose isn’t the same as the manufactured concoction called high fructose corn syrup. We’ll get to that one shortly.)
Some people have a harder time digesting fructose than others. Fructose (in the form of certain fruits, corn syrup, etc.) can cause everything from bloating to diarrhea in these folks. Some experts argue that fructose is a better choice for those with diabetes/insulin resistance because it’s more densely sweet, which encourages people to use less. It also has a lower glycemic value than glucose or sucrose. Indeed, fructose raises insulin less than glucose; however, fructose results in higher ghrelin levels, which boost rather than suppress appetite like insulin does. It also appears to throw off mineral levels (PDF) in the body. Finally, fructose is processed almost solely by the liver. There is some evidence that this concentrated burden on the liver over time can contribute to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. The liver’s metabolism of fructose also produces uric acid, a predictor of cardiovascular disease. Fructose appears to be some pretty nasty stuff. For more information on fructose see Dr. Lustig’s video presentation, Sugar: The Bitter Truth, and then follow it up with a counter-perspective from Don Matesz: Paleo Basics: Fact vs. Fiction.
Sucrose is a disaccharide sugar comprised of fructose and glucose in a 1:1 ratio. It’s perhaps the most familiar of the sugars, since sucrose is also known as table sugar. Although it’s found in fruit and other plants (often with varying amounts of free fructose), sugar cane and sugar beets are the most popular sources for commercial production. Given that sucrose contains a large amount of fructose, it shows similar metabolic patterns to the monosaccharide fructose and particularly to high fructose corn syrup, which is commonly blended to an approximate 55% fructose: 45% glucose mixture.
Common Sugar Sweeteners
Now that we’ve covered the basics on the most common sugars, there’s the question of how all this plays out in our everyday choices. Clearly, we want to avoid sugar as a whole, but few of us achieve full sugar abstinence 100% of the time. Consider this run-through a quick and dirty snapshot of common sweeteners that can inform your decision-making.
Glucose Syrup/Corn Syrup
Glucose syrup in this country is usually made from corn, but it can be produced from other starches like potatoes and rice. Chemically speaking, true glucose syrup/corn syrup consists mainly of glucose sugar; however, some companies like Karo add fructose to their products. It’s commonly used as a sweetener plus emulsifier for food items that require a smooth texture like hard candy. Although glucose itself rates a 100 on the glycemic scale, corn syrup generally falls around 75.
Like corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is produced from corn starch; however, the manufacturing process deliberately converts a certain percentage of initial glucose into fructose. The two most common HFCS mixtures are HFCS-55 (containing 55% fructose) and HFCS-42, the former typically added to sodas and the latter added to other processed foods. The presence of fructose in HFCS appears to be key behind its myriad of negative health effects. Fructose content not only contributes to liver disease but lowers HDL levels while increasing small, dense (and more dangerous) LDL particles. As mentioned earlier, fructose also doesn’t flip the hormonal satiation switch as glucose does. Finally, the HFCS industry has been haunted by evidence of mercury contamination related to its production techniques.
Table Sugar/Sucrose
As mentioned, table sugar is actually a 1:1 combination of glucose and fructose and is metabolized in much the same way as HFCS. It’s GI measures around 64. One potential advantage of table sugar over HFCS is the absence of risk for mercury contamination.
Fruit Sugar
Even if you’ve sworn off adding sweetener of any kind to any food ever, there’s the question of fruit. Although the PB advises moderation and selectivity for most nutritional bang for the sugar buck, the best Primal fruits offer some of the highest ORAC values you can get from anything. Is it really necessary to swear off even nutritional powerhouses like berries and cherries to avoid their natural sugar content? The picture gets further complicated by the fact that “fruit sugar” doesn’t exist as a consistent chemical formula. Different fruits contain varying ratios of fructose, glucose and sucrose. Higher fructose-containing fruits include apples and pears, mangos and papaya, while relatively lower fructose fruits include cherries, figs, plums, kiwi, fresh and dried apricots, dried prunes and bananas. Keep in mind, however, that lower fructose ratio fruits can be higher in total sugar.
Raw Honey
Honey consists of dextrose and fructose (broken down from sucrose through honey bee’s digestion) in a nearly 1:1 ratio (with other components such as water, wax, nutrients, etc.). Raw honey has a glycemic index of about 30, but processed honey clocks in around 75. Those who have a harder time digesting fructose can often tolerate honey. Although conventional processing destroys much of honey’s natural benefits, raw honey serves up a (many claim therapeutic) dose of antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, amino acids, and enzymes.
Maple Syrup
Maple syrup is boiled and refined sap from maple trees. It has a GI of 54 and is low in free fructose but high in the fructose-glucose disaccharide sucrose. Nutritionally speaking, it contains manganese, iron and calcium.
Although molasses has a fairly equal fructose-glucose ratio (half in free fructose/free glucose and half in disaccharide sucrose), it offers the nutrients extracted in table sugar production: iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, copper and zinc.
Agave Nectar
The last few year have marked agave nectar’s time in the sun, so to speak. The sweetener has enjoyed growing popularity for some time, but experts are beginning to question whether agave nectar lives up to its reputation. Agave nectar is often heralded as low on the glycemic index (15), however, processing techniques result in a 75% or more fructose content. Given the increasing strikes against fructose, it’s harder to justify use of a higher fructose sweetener without significant nutritional benefit.
Palm Sugar/Coconut Sugar
An up and coming (in this country) sweetener is coconut sugar. The sugar is actually made from a variety of palm sources, but the palm and coconut labels are used (albeit mistakenly) interchangeably. It’s largely sucrose-based and registers in the 30s/40s on the GI. The taste is relatively light from what I understand, and the nutritional profile is worth noting.
There you go, folks. Information is power when it comes to your health, and I hope this list offered good food for thought. Here’s my analysis. When you are choosing whether/how to include sugars in your Primal diet, I’d suggest paying closest attention to the total sugar content first, then to any nutritional benefits, and finally to the fructose content. Blueberries might have a relatively equal fructose/glucose ratio, but they offer huge antioxidant benefit. On the other hand, dried apricots have a lower fructose ratio, but their overall sugar content dwarfs many fruits ounce for ounce. Raw honey and coconut sugar likewise offer solid nutritional benefit for their sugar content compared to other sweeteners. Of course, any sugar should be used in strict moderation, but it’s clear not all sweeteners are Primally equal.
Now it’s your turn, my friends. I’ll look forward to reading your thoughts! Thanks for joining me today.
PS. Stay tuned for our next 45 Day Transformation Weight Loss Cleanse Challenge packed with prizes for all participants and a grand prize for the winner and the one who refers the most people to the Challenge. We'll most likely starting the next 45 Day Cleanse Challenge Saturday August 21, 2010. Just recently a client of ours on the cleanse lost between 20-23 pounds in only 30 days!
PPS. If you live in Vancouver, BC and want to experience some of the best rapid weight loss personal training that GUARANTEES you results or your money back, click the link below:
==> North Vancouver Personal Training
PPPS. Or if you live in North or West Vancouver, BC and want more of a group setting at a cheaper price than 1-on-1 personal training but still want to experience one of the best rapid weight loss fitness boot camps that'll help you get results fast and get you lean and strong then please click the link below:
==> North Vancouver Boot Camp Tweet This
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