PS. If you haven't been out to boot camp before, you gotta check it out...and what do you have to lose (except for unwanted body fat ) as you get to try it out for an entire week FREE!
So, I am going to lend my expertise in this regard to cut your workout routine by more than half to keep you on track in case any last minute issues may arise. I personally guarantee this will not only help you maintain, if not increase, your current strength and conditioning level. And I am going to go ahead and further simplify the process for you by designing body weight based workouts involving nothing more than resistance bands and dumbbells that can be done in the comfort of your home or office. Furthermore, every workout will start “outside in” by first recognizing how much time you have to workout each day and then matching the appropriate workout for that time frame.
The Quickie Workout When Time is of the Essence
- Perform all strength workouts on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays - Perform all cardio workouts on Tuesdays, Thursday, and Saturdays - Play some recreational activity or go for a brisk walk anytime you can get
If you have 20 minutes to workout:
Strength Workout - Continuous Work: Perform two different 10-minute work zones. For work zone 1, perform max rounds of 10 reps of an upper body pushing exercise (push-ups, dips, presses, etc.) and 20 reps of a double-leg lower body exercise (squats, deadlifts, hip extensions, etc.) for time.
For work zone 2, perform max rounds of 10 reps of an upper body pulling exercise (pull-ups, rows, curls, etc.) and 10 reps/leg of a single-leg lower body exercise (lunges, step-ups, single-leg hip extensions, etc.) for time.
Cardio Workout - Tabata Intervals: Select one body weight cardio exercise (stationary running, jumping jacks, squat thrusts, alternating split jumps, ice skater jumps, etc.) OR one total body exercise (squat to presses, deadlift + curls, lunge + curl to press, swings, etc.) and perform 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off for four straight minutes, followed by a one-minute rest. Repeat this five-minute sequence three more times with the same exercise or with the exercise(s) of your choice.
For a shorter 10-minute workout: Cut each workout in half
For a super short five-minute workout: Cut each workout in quarters
Lets put an end to the whole cholesterol debate and find out what's really going on.
My friend and colleague, Vreni Gurd, BHK, CHEK 3, shares what HDL and LDL cholesterol is and what the real culprits are in heart disease and clogging of the arteries.
HDL and LDL - good and bad "cholesterol"?
High Density Lipoproteins (HDL) and Low Density Lipoproteins (LDL) are PROTEINS, not forms of cholesterol, contrary to popular belief. Cholesterol is cholesterol. There are NOT different forms of the cholesterol molecule.
Is it logical to think that our bodies would manufacture a substance in order to give us a disease? Of course not. Yet many of us are worried about our cholesterol levels, something our body manufactures regularly. Cholesterol is a waxy substance that is the precursor to many of our hormones, including testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, cortisol, pregnenalone and DHEA. Cholesterol is an antioxidant, sopping up free radicals, and is also a very important part of cell membranes, so as our cells die (blood cells, skin cells, bone cells, muscle cells etc.), cholesterol is needed to make the membranes of the replacement cells. Considering we replace about 2 million blood cells each second, it becomes obvious that cholesterol is vitally important, and we would not survive without it. If tissue is damaged, more cholesterol is needed to repair and replace the damaged cells with healthy ones. No wonder it is so important that our liver can easily manufacture cholesterol.
So, if LDL and HDL are not cholesterol, what are they? They are proteins that act as transportation vehicles that carry the cholesterol to the various locations in the body, just like a bus carries people to wherever they want to go. Cholesterol is fatty, and needs to travel in a watery medium (blood), so protein carriers are necessary to make the cholesterol water soluble. The passenger is the same (cholesterol), but the bus (protein) is different, depending on the direction the cholesterol is traveling. Would we call Harry and John "bad people" when they happened to be traveling in a mini-van shuttle, and "good people" when they happened to be traveling on a large bus? The idea is absurd. Yet, this is what we do to cholesterol. LDL proteins (so called "bad cholesterol") carry the cholesterol from the liver out to the tissues, and HDL proteins (so called "good cholesterol") carry the cholesterol from the tissues back to the liver. Contrary to popular belief, HDL proteins do not rid the body of the cholesterol at all - they simply return it to the liver for recycling, so it can make its next trip out on the LDL bus.
The difference between High Density Lipoproteins (HDL) and Low Density Lipoproteins (LDL) is the size and density of the molecule, with HDL molecules being larger. The smaller the molecule, the more likely it will get stuck or caught in the gap junctions between arterial cells etc., where they then oxidize, causing inflammation, which begins the artery-narrowing process. Our bodies also make VLDL (Very Low Density Lipoproteins) which also carry cholesterol but in lesser amounts per molecule due to the much much smaller size, and these molecules are far more likely to get caught along the walls of the arteries than LDL. If the LDL molecules are of normal size, they don't get stuck. They just do their job as they should. People are rarely tested for their VLDL levels, yet this along with triglyceride levels are much more predictive of cardiovascular disease than total cholesterol. So, it is not the cholesterol that is the problem, but the size of the protein carrier.
Can you do anything to control the size of the protein carrier? Yes. Diet is very important. And do you think it is lowering saturated fat and cholesterol intake that will make the difference? No. As it turns out, the higher the easily digestible carbohydrate intake (sugar, flour, processed grains - no, rice cakes are NOT healthy!), the more the VLDL proteins made (the smaller ones that are more likely to get stuck) which greatly increase one's risk of cardiovascular disease. Sugar and flour products also increase glycation and Advanced Glycation Endproducts (AGEs), which causes arterial inflammation, also known to increase cardiovascular disease risk, and sugar and flour increase insulin secretion, which increases sympathetic load, increasing blood pressure, another risk factor for heart disease. There is simply nothing healthy at all about quickly digested carbohydrates like processed sugar, flour and processed grains (puffed wheat etc.), and until we stop eating them, the scourge of modern degenerative diseases won't abate.
For most people Valentine’s Day is an excuse to get together with their hubby and eat some chocolate and sugary desserts. Hey, that sounds good to me too, but why not mix it up a bit and be more creative. Mix it up with this V-Day fun workout you can do in the comfort of your home with your significant other.
Today I am going to demo the concept of partner training. Partner training is essentially a workout that involves performing joint exercises with at least one other person or more. There are a ton of benefits to partner training, including:
1.) Social Support and Accountability 2.) No Equipment Needed 3.) Provides a Ton of Variety 4.) Breeds Competition and Drives Better Results 5.) It’s FUN!
Partner training definitely spices things up in a group training setting like my boot camp. You are simply pushed to the limit to make your body change and break out of a frustrating training rut. The competitive juices start flowing in times like these, great for camaraderie and pushing beyond your regular comfort zone.
But, being that it’s Valetine's Day, let’s make today’s partner training workout a little more intimate if you will.
So grab your luv-ah and try this bad boy out!
The Valentine’s Day Workout for Couples - Tabata Style Partner Training
This 20-minute total body partner workout will consist of all body weight-based exercises. For each exercise at each outlined station below you will alternate between 20 s of work and 10 s of rest. You will repeat this 30-second sequence eight times for four total minutes followed by a one-minute rest and transition before moving on to the next station listed:
Station#1 - Partner Push-up-Row Combo
Partner Push-ups: Hold your partner’s feet from a standing position as they do as many push-ups as they can, then switch roles
Partner Rows: Hold your partner’s hands from a standing position as they do as many body weight rows as they can, then switch roles
Station #2- Partner Resisted Stationary Lunges- Static or Dynamic
Partner Lunges: Drop into a deep lunge position and hold as your partner applies downward force on your shoulders for you to fight against, then switch roles (can also be done with manual resistance in full range of motion reps)
Station #3- Partner Resisted Plank Circuit
Partner Pillars: Get into a plank position and hold as your partner applies downward force with hands on your ribcage, then switch roles (alternate between front and L/R Side Planks)
Station #4- Partner Resisted Squats- Static or Dynamic
Partner Squats: Drop into a deep squat position and hold as your partner applies downward force on your shoulders for you to fight against, then switch roles (can also be done with manual resistance in full range or motion reps)
Now go ask someone to be your valentine and crank it to this V-Day workout! Will this be a ritual you and your hubby do year after year?… might just be the thing that puts the spark back in your relationship ;)
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The Anti-Crunch Six-Pack Abs Blueprint:
Step#1 - Lose the fat that is covering your abs so that you can see them
A.) Eat to lose fat and elevate metabolism
- Drink at least 2-4 cups of water immediately upon waking and then drink at least 1-2 cups of water every 2 hours you are awake. Drink 1-2 cups of water for every 15 minutes of vigorous activity.
- Eat immediately upon waking and then every 2-4 hours after that for a total of 5-7 feedings per day (i.e. 3 meals, 2 snacks (half the size of your meals and workout nutrition))
- Focus on a wide range of organic lean proteins, natural fats, and fruit and veggies
Sample One-Day Menu:
Breakfast - Scrambled Eggs, Greens, and Turkey Sausage or Bacon
Mid-Morning Snack - Mixed Nuts and Fruit/Veggie of Choice
Lunch - Chicken, Salmon, or Shrimp Caesar Salad
Mid-Afternoon Snack - Cheese and Fruit/Veggie of Choice
Dinner - Turkey or Beef Meatballs and Spaghetti Squash
Pre-Bed Snack - Protein and Flax Shake
- Take a daily multi-vitamin for your gender, an essential fatty acid (EFA) supplement, a probiotic (good bacteria) supplements, and a vitamin D3 supplement.
- Use The Carb Reduction Blueprint: Use the following step by step process in the exact order listed to breakthrough any plateaus in your six-pack abs quest.
Step#1 - Replace all white carbs with 100% whole grain carbs and all refined sugars with natural sugars
Step#2 - Limit all whole grain starch and natural sugar consumption to within 1-2 hours post-workout or immediately upon waking for breakfast
Step#3 - Replace all starches and sugars with fruits and veggies
Step#4 - Replace all fruits with green veggies
Step#5 - Use strategic carb and calorie cycling to take your body to the next level (This is beyond the scope of this article but the success you can achieve from this strategy is powerful)
B.) Train to lose fat and elevate metabolism
- Monday, Wednesday, and Friday - Perform Total Body Circuit Strength Training
Sample Total Body Circuit Strength Workout - 20 Minutes (not including five minute warm-up and cool-down)
50-10 Interval Five Exercise Total Body Circuit - You will alternate between 50 seconds of work and 10 s of rest for each exercise in the following five-exercise circuit. Perform this 5-minute circuit up to four times for a 20-minute total body workout:
1 Hip Extensions 2 Push-up Variation 3 Single-Leg Wall Sit 4 Body Weight Rows 5 Upper Body Twist Variation
- Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday - Perform Cardio Interval Training
Sample Cardio Interval Training Workout - 20 Minutes (not including five minute warm-up and cool-down)
30-30’s - You will alternate between 30 seconds of maximum effort and 30 seconds of active recovery. You will perform this 1-minute round up to 20x for 20 total minutes. You can perform this workout on your cardio machine of choice (airdyne or spin bike, running, etc.) or by alternating between the following body weight cardio exercises for the ultimate in-home workout:
1 Stationary Running 2 Jumping Jacks Variation
Step#2 - Train your abs based on their true function: STABILIZATION
Below is a core workout that would appear in my boot camp. It involves no crunches or sit-ups by using all pillar stabilization exercises. Once you master these moves and follow everything else I previously listed above, you will have a sweet pair of rock hard abs to show for it… just wait and see!
The Power to the Pillar Workout - Tabata Style
This 20-minute total body core workout focuses entirely on pillar stabilization. The pillar collectively consists of your shoulders, hips, and core. It is your body’s powerhouse, foundational to all movement.
For each exercise below you will alternate between 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest. You will repeat this 30-second sequence eight times for four total minutes followed by a one minute rest and transition before moving on to the next exercise listed.
For maximum benefits, you must seek to maintain a tight pillar position during all movements by actively pulling your navel to your spine, engaging your glutes, and maintaining a straight line from the heels through the shoulders. The following coaching cues work really well:
"suck in your gut" "tuck your butt under" "round your lower back" "give yourself a wedgie" "be flat like a diving board.”
Exercise#1 - Front Pillar Variation (static or dynamic)
Exercise#2 - Left Side Pillar Variation (static or dynamic)
Exercise#3 - Right Side Pillar Variation (static or dynamic)
Exercise#4 - Back Pillar Variation (static or dynamic)
For a complete video demo of this workout, please see below:
Today is the dawn of a new age in core training and it is my sincere hope that you take this powerful information and run with it.
PS. Send your comments below and let me know what you think. Different than what you normally do in the gym? Surprised crunches and sit-ups aren't the best? Let me know by clicking the comments link directly below.Tweet This
OK lets face it - most if not all people want a flat, lean midsection. But for the majority no amount of crunches or sit-ups seems to get the job done. Have you ever heard this or asked this yourself?
“I do hundreds of crunches and sit-ups a day and I still have a flabby midsection. What gives?”
Well, before I reveal your six-pack abs blueprint, let’s first debunk some very important myths about how to get six-pack abs:
Myth#1 - Weight loss is the key to seeing your abs
The key to seeing your abs is fat loss, not weight loss. Seems like semantics but hear me out. Your body consists of fat mass and lean body mass (water, muscle, bone, organs, etc.). You want to minimize your fat mass and maximize your lean body mass to build a roaring metabolism: one that eats away at your fat stores and builds muscle like clockwork. By improving body composition you will put yourself in the best position to obtained that oh so desired six-pack.
So if you lose 17 lbs on the scale at the expense of losing some lean muscle mass in the process you will end up slowing your metabolism, decreasing performance, and losing that good looking muscle tone. But if you lose 17 lbs on the scale and you manage to keep or gain lean muscle mass you will increase performance, see more visible definition throughout your body, and lose primarily body fat.
The scale can be misleading as there are a number of variables to account for that lead to frequent fluctuations such as hydration levels, sodium intake, and for women the menstrual cycle. If you are going to keep a scale at home DO NOT get on it everyday, every other day or even every week. It is such an anchor, particularly for women. Get off the scale and get over the numbers. The true goal is fat loss, not weight loss. Focus on clothing size reduction, digital before and after pictures, and of course the mirror for the most accurate progress tracking. Don't get me wrong the scale has its place and is important but it should not be the thing you put all your faith in.
Myth#2 - Do lots of abs work to preferentially burn off stomach fat
Spot reduction doesn’t work. You can’t just work the muscles of a certain area of your body and expect to have the fat in that region go away. Think about it: almost everyone does crunches but proportionately very few people perform total body workouts. So, with all of these crunches, we’d expect to see nothing but people with flat tummies and fat depots everywhere else on their body (arms, legs, etc.). But think of how many people you know and see on a regular basis whom have more than a few inches to lose in their midsection. See what I mean - spot reduction doesn’t work!
The thing is, your body loses fat in a genetically pre-determined way when there is the appropriate caloric deficit AND hormonal environment created by proper eating and training. So your best approach would be: burn as many calories during your workouts as possible by engaging your whole body each and every training session (not just your abs) so you charge up your metabolism and continue burning an elevated amount of calories AFTER your workout. Compound, multi-joint movements like squats, push-ups, lunges, etc. (or better yet, total body exercises like squat to presses) burn a lot more calories than isolation movements like crunches and sit-ups. So be sure to focus on these movements first and then if you have time, you can do some extra core work.
Myth#3 - Crunches and Sit-ups are the best exercises for your abs
The scientific term for your six-pack muscles are your rectus abdominis. For years now, we have been conditioned to think that the best way to work your rectus abdominis is by doing endless crunches and sit-ups since these trunk flexion exercises make the muscles you want to see in the mirror “burn.” However, the true function of the rectus abdominis is to prevent hyperextension (excessive back bending of the spine), not to flex forward over and over again. Anytime you brace your abs (think slight crunch before you get punched in the gut) and pull your navel into your spine you effectively stabilize your spine into a safe, neutral position. And the moment you relax your abs and lose that braced abs position, your back will begin to hyperextend putting you at greater risk for injury.
To create the best looking and strong midsection focus on stabilization exercises in all three planes of movement (saggital - front to back, frontal - side to side, and transverse - rotational) by using pillar exercise variations (also know as planks). Besides training the true “anti-extension” function of your rectus abdominis or "six-pack" ab muscles, these bridging/stabilization exercises also activate the key transverse abdominus muscle, or your deep abdominal stabilizer, that wraps around your spine and supports your internal organs. Wanting to reduce back pain? Then strengthen these inner ab muscles as its key to optimal posture and performance in addition to injury prevention. Just another benefit to performing pillars over primitive crunches and sit-ups that often cause unwanted neck and back pain.
Myth#4 - Do lots of long-duration cardio to burn the fat covering your abs
Both scientific research and real world case studies show that aerobic training for fat loss alone doesn’t work. Total body resistance training is the true foundation of any solid fat loss plan. In addition, interval training, where you alternate between bouts of maximum effort and active recovery, is scientifically proven to burn more fat AFTER the workout than ordinary exercise. However why not perform both resistance interval training and cardio interval training to combine the best of both worlds? More on this to come!
Stay tuned for my next post where I continue where I left off and reveal The Anti-Crunch Six-Pack Abs Blueprint. The step-by-step process to take to get that tight, lean midsection you desire.