Hi, Tyron here with really cool guest post from Dr. Chris Mohr, fat loss and registered dietitian. Visit him at http://www.mohrresults.com/
But before I get to the 5 tips you can use to save yourself from gaining weight this holiday season, I just wanted to remind you of my 36 Day Rapid Fat Loss Holiday Program that closes this Friday December 11th.
People are always wanting to the fast solution to help them shrink the waist, hips and buns area…
… while there is no quick fix (I don’t care what the infomercials claim) I did go to the drawing board and crafted a new 36 day rapid fat loss program that’s right up your alley – if you want fast results.
You probably know that Resurrect Your Body Boot Camp's evening class is pretty much full, but we do have room for another small group so I thought I’d let you know that my NEW 36 Day Rapid Fat Loss Holiday program is open until this Friday December 11th and the best part is that the 36 day program is discounted to only $147 and INCLUDES my Unstoppable Fat Loss Nutrition Formula Program to help you incinerate the body fat fast. That's up to 18 sessions of boot camp for ONLY $147 at a ridiculously low rate of $6.20 per session!
The only catch is that the camp is almost full and we can only take on a few more participates. So if you’re ready to fit into your skinny jeans again and want to firm and tone your body all while dropping inches and pounds then make sure to register for our 36 Day Rapid Fat Loss Boot Camp.
Here’s how to register…
Just call me at 604.626.2342 or email me at TyronPiteau@gmail.com and let me know that you want in on the 36 Day Rapid Fat Loss Boot Camp and I’ll get you all dialed and ready as its open until this Friday December 11th. It officially started Monday November 30th but the registration date has been extended so get on board and get your body in accelerated fat burning mode for Christmas!
Classes take place:
At BFit Personal Training Studio in North Vancouver at
Suite 103 – 38 Fell Ave. (near the North Shore Auto Mall)
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
7:15-8:00pm (in the evening)
At Absolute Academy in North Vancouver at
2104 Front Street (just off Old Dollarton, near the Second Narrows Bridge behind Maplewood Plaza)
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
11:45am-12:30pm (noon)
You can attend either class depending on your schedule and what works best for you that day, i.e. attend the midday class on Monday, evening class on Wednesday and midday class on Friday.
Workout Buddy Discounts
Also, for EVERY friend you bring to attend the 36 day program, I'll give you $50 ca.shback. So feel fr.ee to bring as many people as you want and for EACH one I'll give you $50! So you can get the entire program FR.EE for bringing a couple people. Not bad if you ask me.
30 Day Money Back Guarantee!
All my fitness boot camps come with an iron clad 30 day mo.ney back guarantee. If during your first 30 days you don't lose AT LEAST a clothing size and aren’t thrilled and satisfied with my fitness boot camps, just let me know and I'll refund your purchase price, no hard feelings. This is a no-risk, no fine print, you can't lose, money back guarantee. Your satisfaction is my goal. So if you sign up today for the 36 day program and don't like it within the first 30 days you'll get every single penny back.
Here’s how to register…
Just call me at 604.626.2342 or email me at TyronPiteau@gmail.com and let me know that you want in on the 36 Day Rapid Fat Loss Boot Camp and I’ll get you all dialed and ready as its open until this Friday December 11th. It officially started Monday November 30th but the registration date has been extended so get on board and get your body in accelerated fat burning mode for Christmas!
Now to why holiday weight gain is permanent and how YOU can nip it in the bud and stop it in its tracks.
Do you know what the average weight gain is for the month of December?
We’ve heard it all…
…8-10 lbs, 12-15 lbs, and even as high as 20 lbs!
Newsflash: if you gain 20 lbs in 6 weeks from overeating, it’s going to take a lot more than a few nutrition tips and strategies to help out!
Research published in the New England Journal of Medicine actually showed that the average weight gain is just 3-5 lbs.
"That’s it?" you ask? Then who cares what I eat?!
But here’s the problem … it’s not that small weight gain during the holidays that’s the problem, it’s the fact that people don’t lose that weight year after year.
A 5 lb weight gain each year for the next 4 years means 20 lbs. People tell us all the time that they’re not sure how they gained so much weight "it just crept up on them."
This is exactly how it happens. You may not notice a few pounds. They come on slowly, but surely. And it’s all relative to your current weight. What started out some pants that were just a bit tighter than last time you tried them on, gets quickly pushed aside as "I just got them out of the dryer." And suddenly those same pants no longer fit. But this process is slow, so we then rationalize that we’re getting older, so it’s just "middle age."
And the cycle continues.
Stop the insanity!
There are approximately 4 weeks from now until January 1st.
That means you can either gain the "average" 3-5 lbs during this time, or you can stick to your plan and maintain, if that’s your goal, or lose…if you’d like to.
How do you do that? That is up to you.
These 5 Holiday Fat Loss Secrets can help.
1. Remember the "holiday season" is just a few select days within a 6-week period. Enjoy the food on the holiday itself, enjoy the work parties, social gatherings, and other holiday get togethers … but when they’re done, they need to be done. Don’t let 1 night carry over into the next!
2. Always make time for exercise. Since there’s no research to show there’s a "best" time of day, set a time, even if its just 10-20 minutes, and stick with it. If you schedule it like its a business appointment or like its one of your kids' sporting events, you'll be less likely to skip it.
3. Plan ahead. Seems obvious, I know. But this is a high stress time many people — getting gifts, seeing family and friends, and so much more. Plan, make time for you, and know that everything will get done…just like it always does.
4. Don’t bake cookies as gifts, bake pies! Seems like a weird fat loss recommendation, but when you’re giving cookies as gifts, it’s really easy to eat several of them without *anyone* (except you) knowing. Try that with a pie and it might look a little weird if you give a pie with a piece taken out of it.
5. Never "save up" your calories so you can decidedly overeat later on. Instead, eat normally throughout the day and then simply enjoy smaller portions of your favorite foods later on. Starving yourself in anticipation of all the different foods will surely lead to overeating more than anything.
Any favorite tips that have helped YOU get through the holidays?
Dr. Christopher Mohr, PhD RD is a nutrition spokesperson and consultant to a number of media outlets and corporations including the Discovery Health Channel, The Dairy Council, Clif Bar, and Nordic Naturals. Through his company Mohr Results, Inc., he works with all types of individuals from soccer moms to collegiate and professional athletes. His weekly health segment can be heard on WHAS radio in Louisville and often appears on TV as a nutritional guest expert, including an appearance with Chef Emeril Lagasse. He was the nutrition expert for a book he worked on with LL Cool J called “LL Cool J’s Platinum Workout.” and is working on another project with Fitness Celebrity, Denise Austin.
Visit him at http://www.mohrresults.com/
P.S. A special thanks to:
Misty - referred 1 friend - she gets $50
Lyn - referred 1 friend - she gets $50
Afsaneh – referred 1 friend – he gets $50
Hey by the way, so that you can get on this list and get more free training and cash like Misty, Lyn and Afsaneh; here's an email I wrote and you can cut and paste it and send it to all your friends and if anyone joins you get these rewards too.
If you are doing the boot camp here’s the email to send:
Hi [your friend's name],
I've been going to this boot camp and its so amazing, the results are awesome, I totally recommend you come out as I'd love to work out with you. Come for a fr.ee trial.
If you are doing personal training here’s the email to send:
Hi [your friend's name],
I've been seeing this personal trainer and its so amazing, the results are awesome, I totally recommend you come out as they'll help you reach your goals much faster. Come for a fr.ee workout.
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Nutrition & Fitness Help for Real World Fat loss Training and Lean Muscle Building at www.MakersBody.com
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
5 Reasons Why “Slow-go” Cardio Just DOESN'T Work
Hi, Tyron here with really cool guest post from Joel Marion, fat loss and body transformation expert and creator of Cheat Your Way Thin, the "cheating" system to effortlessly strip away countless inches and melt stubborn body fat fast.
But before I get to that I just wanted to remind you of my 36 Day Rapid Fat Loss Holiday Program that I'm opening today, Monday November 30th.
People are always wanting to the fast solution to help them shrink the waist, hips and buns area…
… while there is no quick fix (I don’t care what the infomercials claim) I did go to the drawing board and crafted a new 36 day rapid fat loss program that’s right up your alley – if you want fast results.
You probably know that Resurrect Your Body Boot Camp's evening class is pretty much full, but we do have room for another small group so I thought I’d let you know that my NEW 36 Day Rapid Fat Loss Holiday program starts Monday, November 30th and the best part is that the 36 day program is discounted to only $147 and INCLUDES my Unstoppable Fat Loss Nutrition Formula Program to help you incinerate the body fat fast. That's up to 24 sessions of boot camp for ONLY $147 at a ridiculously low rate of $6.20 per session!
The only catch is that the camp is almost full and we can only take on 3 more participates. So if you’re ready to fit into your skinny jeans again and want to firm and tone your body all while dropping inches and pounds then make sure to register for our 36 Day Rapid Fat Loss Boot Camp.
Here’s how to register…
Just call me at 604.626.2342 or email me at TyronPiteau@gmail.com and let me know that you want in on the 36 Day Rapid Fat Loss Boot Camp and I’ll get you all dialed and ready for Monday, November 30th. You will still be able to enter the program during the entire week of Monday November 30th even if you miss the first day.
Classes take place:
At BFit Personal Training Studio in North Vancouver at
Suite 103 – 38 Fell Ave. (near the North Shore Auto Mall)
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
7:15-8:00pm (in the evening)
At Absolute Academy in North Vancouver at
2104 Front Street (just off Old Dollarton, near the Second Narrows Bridge behind Maplewood Plaza)
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
11:45am-12:30pm (noon)
You can attend either class depending on your schedule and what works best for you that day, i.e. attend the midday class on Monday, evening class on Wednesday and midday class on Friday.
Workout Buddy Discounts
Also, for EVERY friend you bring to attend the 36 day program, I'll give you $50 ca.shback. So feel fr.ee to bring as many people as you want and for EACH one I'll give you $50! So you can get the entire program FR.EE for bringing a couple people. Not bad if you ask me.
30 Day Money Back Guarantee!
All my fitness boot camps come with an iron clad 30 day mo.ney back guarantee. If during your first 30 days you don't lose AT LEAST a clothing size and aren’t thrilled and satisfied with my fitness boot camps, just let me know and I'll refund your purchase price, no hard feelings. This is a no-risk, no fine print, you can't lose, money back guarantee. Your satisfaction is my goal. So if you sign up today for the 36 day program and don't like it within the first 30 days you'll get every single penny back.
Here’s how to register…
Just call me at 604.626.2342 or email me at TyronPiteau@gmail.com and let me know that you want in on the 36 Day Rapid Fat Loss Boot Camp and I’ll get you all dialed and ready for Monday, November 30th. You will still be able to enter the program during the entire week of Monday November 30th even if you miss the first day.
Now to why "slow-go" cardio DOESN'T work for fat loss.
Apparently, many people are still stuck doing long duration, low-intensity cardiovascular exercise — yikes!
Here’s the deal: if you’re looking to achieve maximal benefit from the time you put into your workouts, long duration “slow-go” cardio is NOT the way to go, and for many reasons.
Here are my top 5:
1. Minimal calories burned — 45 minutes on the treadmill may burn a whopping 300 calories if you’re lucky, the equivalent of ONE TENTH of a pound of fat. Exercise ten hours a week and you might just lose a pound!
Which brings me to my next point:
2. Way too much time involved — I don’t know about you, but I don’t have hours and hours of my time to pour into working out each week. In fact, very rarely do I ever exceed three hours of exercise weekly, and you know what? That’s ALL you need.
Beyond that, slow-go cardio is:
3. BORING as heck — Sitting on an exercise bike staring at the wall in front of me for 45-60 minutes? No thanks.
But perhaps even worse is the fact that slow-go cardio provides:
4. No prolonged metabolic benefit — Did you know that with higher intensity exercise it is possible to continue to burn calories for up to 48 hours post workout? It’s true. But you know what else is true? Long duration, low intensity cardio provides virtually NO prolonged elevation in metabolism. In fact, with slow-go cardio, metabolism returns to baseline almost IMMEDIATELY following the exercise session.
And finally, the reason that trumps all the others:
5. Minimal fat loss — Minimal calories burned during the session and virtually no additional calories burned afterward = minimal, if any fat loss results. And let’s be honest, the only reason anyone is doing cardio is for the “result”.
So if slow-go cardio isn’t a great solution, what is?
Short duration, high-intensity exercise. Less time, faster results — THAT’S what it’s all about. Circuit-style training where you go from one exercise to the next with MINIMAL rest. This REALLY gets the metabolism cranked up!
And keep in mind, “high intensity” is relative to you. I don’t care if you’re already in great shape or if you’re 40 lbs overweight, you can exercise with intensity.
So what about you? Are you stuck doing slow-go cardio or have you embraced the benefit of much shorter, higher intensity sessions?
Let me know in the comments below. I'd enjoy hearing your thoughts and questions below.
Joel Marion has appeared on such television networks as NBC, ABC, and CBS, is a frequent guest on SIRIUS satellite radio, and has been featured in the pages of more than 20 popular national newsstand magazines including Men’s Fitness, Woman’s Day, Maximum Fitness, Oxygen, Clean Eating, MuscleMag International, and Muscle & Fitness Hers. His other accomplishments include winning the world’s largest Body Transformation contest for “regular” people, the Body-for-Life Transformation Challenge, in 2001. He's authored the internationally best-selling ebook, Cheat Your Way Thin.
Grab your copy by clicking the link below:
Cheat Your Way Thin
p.s. If you live in Vancouver, BC and want to experience some of the best rapid weight loss personal training that GUARANTEES you results or your money back, click the link below:
North Vancouver Personal Training
p.p.s. Or if you live in North or West Vancouver, BC and want to experience one of the best rapid weight loss fitness boot camps that'll get you lean and strong like the ladies in the video below (check out the video if you haven't already it's hilarious), please click the link below:
North Vancouver Boot Camp
Click the video below:
Tweet This
But before I get to that I just wanted to remind you of my 36 Day Rapid Fat Loss Holiday Program that I'm opening today, Monday November 30th.
People are always wanting to the fast solution to help them shrink the waist, hips and buns area…
… while there is no quick fix (I don’t care what the infomercials claim) I did go to the drawing board and crafted a new 36 day rapid fat loss program that’s right up your alley – if you want fast results.
You probably know that Resurrect Your Body Boot Camp's evening class is pretty much full, but we do have room for another small group so I thought I’d let you know that my NEW 36 Day Rapid Fat Loss Holiday program starts Monday, November 30th and the best part is that the 36 day program is discounted to only $147 and INCLUDES my Unstoppable Fat Loss Nutrition Formula Program to help you incinerate the body fat fast. That's up to 24 sessions of boot camp for ONLY $147 at a ridiculously low rate of $6.20 per session!
The only catch is that the camp is almost full and we can only take on 3 more participates. So if you’re ready to fit into your skinny jeans again and want to firm and tone your body all while dropping inches and pounds then make sure to register for our 36 Day Rapid Fat Loss Boot Camp.
Here’s how to register…
Just call me at 604.626.2342 or email me at TyronPiteau@gmail.com and let me know that you want in on the 36 Day Rapid Fat Loss Boot Camp and I’ll get you all dialed and ready for Monday, November 30th. You will still be able to enter the program during the entire week of Monday November 30th even if you miss the first day.
Classes take place:
At BFit Personal Training Studio in North Vancouver at
Suite 103 – 38 Fell Ave. (near the North Shore Auto Mall)
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
7:15-8:00pm (in the evening)
At Absolute Academy in North Vancouver at
2104 Front Street (just off Old Dollarton, near the Second Narrows Bridge behind Maplewood Plaza)
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
11:45am-12:30pm (noon)
You can attend either class depending on your schedule and what works best for you that day, i.e. attend the midday class on Monday, evening class on Wednesday and midday class on Friday.
Workout Buddy Discounts
Also, for EVERY friend you bring to attend the 36 day program, I'll give you $50 ca.shback. So feel fr.ee to bring as many people as you want and for EACH one I'll give you $50! So you can get the entire program FR.EE for bringing a couple people. Not bad if you ask me.
30 Day Money Back Guarantee!
All my fitness boot camps come with an iron clad 30 day mo.ney back guarantee. If during your first 30 days you don't lose AT LEAST a clothing size and aren’t thrilled and satisfied with my fitness boot camps, just let me know and I'll refund your purchase price, no hard feelings. This is a no-risk, no fine print, you can't lose, money back guarantee. Your satisfaction is my goal. So if you sign up today for the 36 day program and don't like it within the first 30 days you'll get every single penny back.
Here’s how to register…
Just call me at 604.626.2342 or email me at TyronPiteau@gmail.com and let me know that you want in on the 36 Day Rapid Fat Loss Boot Camp and I’ll get you all dialed and ready for Monday, November 30th. You will still be able to enter the program during the entire week of Monday November 30th even if you miss the first day.
Now to why "slow-go" cardio DOESN'T work for fat loss.
Apparently, many people are still stuck doing long duration, low-intensity cardiovascular exercise — yikes!
Here’s the deal: if you’re looking to achieve maximal benefit from the time you put into your workouts, long duration “slow-go” cardio is NOT the way to go, and for many reasons.
Here are my top 5:
1. Minimal calories burned — 45 minutes on the treadmill may burn a whopping 300 calories if you’re lucky, the equivalent of ONE TENTH of a pound of fat. Exercise ten hours a week and you might just lose a pound!
Which brings me to my next point:
2. Way too much time involved — I don’t know about you, but I don’t have hours and hours of my time to pour into working out each week. In fact, very rarely do I ever exceed three hours of exercise weekly, and you know what? That’s ALL you need.
Beyond that, slow-go cardio is:
3. BORING as heck — Sitting on an exercise bike staring at the wall in front of me for 45-60 minutes? No thanks.
But perhaps even worse is the fact that slow-go cardio provides:
4. No prolonged metabolic benefit — Did you know that with higher intensity exercise it is possible to continue to burn calories for up to 48 hours post workout? It’s true. But you know what else is true? Long duration, low intensity cardio provides virtually NO prolonged elevation in metabolism. In fact, with slow-go cardio, metabolism returns to baseline almost IMMEDIATELY following the exercise session.
And finally, the reason that trumps all the others:
5. Minimal fat loss — Minimal calories burned during the session and virtually no additional calories burned afterward = minimal, if any fat loss results. And let’s be honest, the only reason anyone is doing cardio is for the “result”.
So if slow-go cardio isn’t a great solution, what is?
Short duration, high-intensity exercise. Less time, faster results — THAT’S what it’s all about. Circuit-style training where you go from one exercise to the next with MINIMAL rest. This REALLY gets the metabolism cranked up!
And keep in mind, “high intensity” is relative to you. I don’t care if you’re already in great shape or if you’re 40 lbs overweight, you can exercise with intensity.
So what about you? Are you stuck doing slow-go cardio or have you embraced the benefit of much shorter, higher intensity sessions?
Let me know in the comments below. I'd enjoy hearing your thoughts and questions below.
Joel Marion has appeared on such television networks as NBC, ABC, and CBS, is a frequent guest on SIRIUS satellite radio, and has been featured in the pages of more than 20 popular national newsstand magazines including Men’s Fitness, Woman’s Day, Maximum Fitness, Oxygen, Clean Eating, MuscleMag International, and Muscle & Fitness Hers. His other accomplishments include winning the world’s largest Body Transformation contest for “regular” people, the Body-for-Life Transformation Challenge, in 2001. He's authored the internationally best-selling ebook, Cheat Your Way Thin.
Grab your copy by clicking the link below:
Cheat Your Way Thin
p.s. If you live in Vancouver, BC and want to experience some of the best rapid weight loss personal training that GUARANTEES you results or your money back, click the link below:
North Vancouver Personal Training
p.p.s. Or if you live in North or West Vancouver, BC and want to experience one of the best rapid weight loss fitness boot camps that'll get you lean and strong like the ladies in the video below (check out the video if you haven't already it's hilarious), please click the link below:
North Vancouver Boot Camp
Click the video below:
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Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Try this breakfast without guilt :)
It's been a great year here at The Maker's Body Personal Training
and Boot Camp. And I'm very grateful for you being a part of that
success. Even though this week is American Thanksgiving its still
good to be thankful ALL the time.
But before I do...
Let's get serious for a moment. You're going to eat a LOT of food
this time of year whether you celebrate American Thanksgiving or
not since Christmas and New Year's is just around the corner. You
know it. I know it. And that's ok. I'm sure you've been working out
just a little bit harder to prepare for it, right? ;-)
Now, besides that, I also want to remind you of one thing you do
NOT want to do on either Thanksgiving, Christmas or before a
special dinner event is skip meals so you can stuff yourself with
one big one. That's a no-no.
You still need to start your day right by boosting your metabolism
with a solid breakfast. So to help you out with that I've got a
gift for you from me and my buddies over at Prograde Nutrition.
It's a delicious Protein Pancakes recipe.
Thanks to the protein in the recipe your blood sugar won't go crazy
like it can just by eating a huge stack of pancakes with sugary
syrup. Nope, this recipe will fill you up, nourish your body and
give your metabolism just the boost it needs.
You can get the Protein Pancakes recipe by clicking the link directly
Be sure to let me know how you like it.
Have a blessed week.
PS - Seriously, have a nutritious breakfast this Thursday and your
body will thank your for it on Friday. ;-)
PS- If you live in Vancouver, BC and want to experience some of the best personal training in North Vancouver that GUARANTEES you results or your money back, click the link below:
North Vancouver Personal Training
PPS- Or if you live in North or West Vancouver, BC and want to experience one of the best boot camps in North Vancouver that'll get you lean and strong like the ladies in the video below (check out the video if you haven't already it's hilarious), please click the link below:
North Vancouver Boot Camp
Click the video below:
Tweet This
and Boot Camp. And I'm very grateful for you being a part of that
success. Even though this week is American Thanksgiving its still
good to be thankful ALL the time.
But before I do...
Let's get serious for a moment. You're going to eat a LOT of food
this time of year whether you celebrate American Thanksgiving or
not since Christmas and New Year's is just around the corner. You
know it. I know it. And that's ok. I'm sure you've been working out
just a little bit harder to prepare for it, right? ;-)
Now, besides that, I also want to remind you of one thing you do
NOT want to do on either Thanksgiving, Christmas or before a
special dinner event is skip meals so you can stuff yourself with
one big one. That's a no-no.
You still need to start your day right by boosting your metabolism
with a solid breakfast. So to help you out with that I've got a
gift for you from me and my buddies over at Prograde Nutrition.
It's a delicious Protein Pancakes recipe.
Thanks to the protein in the recipe your blood sugar won't go crazy
like it can just by eating a huge stack of pancakes with sugary
syrup. Nope, this recipe will fill you up, nourish your body and
give your metabolism just the boost it needs.
You can get the Protein Pancakes recipe by clicking the link directly
Be sure to let me know how you like it.
Have a blessed week.
PS - Seriously, have a nutritious breakfast this Thursday and your
body will thank your for it on Friday. ;-)
PS- If you live in Vancouver, BC and want to experience some of the best personal training in North Vancouver that GUARANTEES you results or your money back, click the link below:
North Vancouver Personal Training
PPS- Or if you live in North or West Vancouver, BC and want to experience one of the best boot camps in North Vancouver that'll get you lean and strong like the ladies in the video below (check out the video if you haven't already it's hilarious), please click the link below:
North Vancouver Boot Camp
Click the video below:
Tweet This
fat loss,
Saturday, October 31, 2009
One of The World's Greatest Snacks -- A Healthy Treat for a Lean Body
Hey Tyron here with another really cool guest post from Mike Geary, fat loss and abs expert and creator of The Truth About Six Pack Abs, the #1 Rated Abs Program on the Internet(As Ranked by Clickbank.com).
But before I get to that I just wanted to remind you that I
opened up another one of my highly successful fitness boot camps back in September that runs at 11:45am to 12:30pm (noontime) every Monday, Wednesday,
Friday at 2104 Front Street, just off old Dollarton Rd. in North
Vancouver. All my members now have access to 2 locations to choose from. So whether you sign up for 1, 2, or unlimited times per week, you can choose each week what location and time works better for your schedule.
Stay tuned as the opening of my 3rd boot camp Monday, Wednesday, Friday will most definitely be on the horizon, possibly downtown as I've had quite a bit of interest for one there. Please leave a comment below letting me know which time(s) (i.e. 6am, 7am, 5:30pm, etc) would work best for you whether its downtown or in another part of the city as I want to accommodate those interested as much as I can.
For those who want to sign up for your FR.EE 1 week
trial visit http://www.ResurrectYourBodyBootCamp.com. Now you can attend any location that works for you, i.e. Monday come to the
noon class, Wednesday come to the evening class, and Friday come to
the noon class. Your choice! And those who sign up for my Rapid
Results program can attend as many classes as they want per week
which works out to 6 classes at $8 per class!
Back to the article, Mike wrote an article about the mighty benefits of nuts, particularly pistachios. If you've ever gone through my Unstoppable Fat Loss Nutrition Formula you'll know I'm a fan of nuts and nut butter as you provide a good amount of protein (important for muscle growth and fat loss), healthy fats, fibre, and vitamin and minerals.
Read the short article below and put action to what you learn as its the doers that get results in life not the hearers (or readers in this case :)!
Unstoppable Fat Loss Formula,
One of The World's Greatest Snacks -- A Healthy Treat for a Lean Body
Hi, Mike Geary here again with another kickin' article for you.
Do you remember eating pistachios when they used to be dyed a deep pinkish/red? They were always so delicious, but after eating a bunch of those bright "red" nuts, your fingers and hands would be stained red.
Pistachios, as we now know, do not grow as magenta-colored nuts but come in a nice natural tan colored shell with a mild-tasting, crunchy, green and yellow interior. Nuts have risen in popularity lately, but did you know that pistachios are probably one of the most nutritious of all nuts?
It's hard to compare anything to the nutritional benefit of nuts like almonds, walnuts, and pecans... but pistachios give them a run for the money!
Just a one-ounce serving of pistachios will give you over thirty vitamins, minerals and other super nutrients.
One of the best things about nuts in general, is that they are full of minerals that are VITAL to our body's proper functioning. And if you have paid much attention to nutrition news lately, you may be aware that minerals are getting harder and harder to obtain from our diet, and many people are mineral-deficient in one way or another.
So what are these great nutrients in pistachios?
Well for starters, pistachios are full of copper, phosphorus, and manganese (different from magnesium).
Copper is made up of multiple enzymes that help to create many of the necessary biochemical reactions in your body and also forms connective tissue. Manganese also helps form connective and skeletal tissue, and is instrumental in growth, reproduction and (this is good!) carbohydrate and fat metabolism. Phosphorus is very important for strong bones and teeth and works with calcium to prevent osteoporosis.
Other important minerals are magnesium -- necessary for more than 300 different important biochemical reactions in your body, and good for your heart and blood pressure; potassium --an electrolyte that keeps the body in the correct acid/base balance and also helps in forming proteins, metabolizing carbohydrates and building muscle.
And there is more to this nutritional powerhouse...
Pistachios are a rich source of B vitamins. B vitamins are essential for good nerve transmission, muscle building, a good mood, lots of energy, and infection-fighting power. They are also one of the highest protein nuts (as well as healthy fats), so they make a great satisfying snack that keeps your blood sugar and insulin at a good steady level.
In one study on pistachios and antioxidants, pistachios ranked up in the group with the highest amount of antioxidant activity above over 100 other foods. Antioxidants help to prevent free radical damage, which saves your cells and prevents aging and disease among other things.
We hear a lot about eye health and nutrients for the eyes lately, and guess what-- pistachios contain generous amount of lutein and zeaxanthin which prevent macular degeneration and other eye diseases related to aging.
Last but not least, pistachios are full of appetite satisfying fiber -- as much as a serving of oatmeal.
Nuts in general are a great source of fiber, which is valuable for fighting cancer, controlling blood sugar, and aids in a feeling of fullness. Most people only get about half the recommended amount of fiber they need in their diets, so eating pistachios will help add to your dietary intake.
Healthy Fats
While eating extremely large quantities of pistachios would be a LOT of calories... the good news is that the protein, good fats and fiber in them are nutritious and satisfy so much of the nutrient needs of your body, it's VERY difficult to overeat them.
Even when only eating small servings of these nuts, they have been proven to provide a high rate of satiety. Besides, having to shell all those pistachios actually ends up making you eat them a little more slowly, so the message to your brain that you are full happens on less nuts than if you were eating something already out of its shell.
Try to go for the all-natural or organic pistachios with no salt of low salt. Some brands of pistachios are a bit heavy on the salt.
If you haven't read our new Fat Burning Kitchen program, make sure to see the dozens of foods that help you burn fat, and surprising "health foods" that make you fat.
Eat well and stay lean!
Cat Ebeling & Mike Geary
Co-authors - The Fat Burning Kitchen
PS- What are your thoughts about this article? Are you using nuts as a protein, fibre, and healthy fat source? What are you favourite nuts and why?
Please share your thoughts by making a comment to this blog post below, thanks!
Also, remember to please let me know what boot camp times and locations would work best for you
Mike Geary is the owner of TruthAboutAbs.com & Busy Man Fitness.com. He's authored the internationally best-selling ebook, The Truth about Six Pack Abs. Currently, The Truth about Six Pack Abs is the #1 ranked Abdominals ebook in the world (as ranked by clickbank.com) with over 263,000 readers in 154 countries to date.
Grab your copy by clicking the link below:
The Truth About Six Pack Abs
PS- If you live in Vancouver, BC and want to experience some of the best rapid weight loss personal training that GUARANTEES you results or your money back, click the link below:
North Vancouver Personal Training
PPS- Or if you live in North or West Vancouver, BC and want to experience one of the best rapid weight loss fitness boot camps that'll get you lean and strong like the ladies in the video below (check out the video if you haven't already it's hilarious), please click the link below:
North Vancouver Boot Camp
Click the video below:
Tweet This
But before I get to that I just wanted to remind you that I
opened up another one of my highly successful fitness boot camps back in September that runs at 11:45am to 12:30pm (noontime) every Monday, Wednesday,
Friday at 2104 Front Street, just off old Dollarton Rd. in North
Vancouver. All my members now have access to 2 locations to choose from. So whether you sign up for 1, 2, or unlimited times per week, you can choose each week what location and time works better for your schedule.
Stay tuned as the opening of my 3rd boot camp Monday, Wednesday, Friday will most definitely be on the horizon, possibly downtown as I've had quite a bit of interest for one there. Please leave a comment below letting me know which time(s) (i.e. 6am, 7am, 5:30pm, etc) would work best for you whether its downtown or in another part of the city as I want to accommodate those interested as much as I can.
For those who want to sign up for your FR.EE 1 week
trial visit http://www.ResurrectYourBodyBootCamp.com. Now you can attend any location that works for you, i.e. Monday come to the
noon class, Wednesday come to the evening class, and Friday come to
the noon class. Your choice! And those who sign up for my Rapid
Results program can attend as many classes as they want per week
which works out to 6 classes at $8 per class!
Back to the article, Mike wrote an article about the mighty benefits of nuts, particularly pistachios. If you've ever gone through my Unstoppable Fat Loss Nutrition Formula you'll know I'm a fan of nuts and nut butter as you provide a good amount of protein (important for muscle growth and fat loss), healthy fats, fibre, and vitamin and minerals.
Read the short article below and put action to what you learn as its the doers that get results in life not the hearers (or readers in this case :)!
Unstoppable Fat Loss Formula,
One of The World's Greatest Snacks -- A Healthy Treat for a Lean Body
Hi, Mike Geary here again with another kickin' article for you.
Do you remember eating pistachios when they used to be dyed a deep pinkish/red? They were always so delicious, but after eating a bunch of those bright "red" nuts, your fingers and hands would be stained red.
Pistachios, as we now know, do not grow as magenta-colored nuts but come in a nice natural tan colored shell with a mild-tasting, crunchy, green and yellow interior. Nuts have risen in popularity lately, but did you know that pistachios are probably one of the most nutritious of all nuts?
It's hard to compare anything to the nutritional benefit of nuts like almonds, walnuts, and pecans... but pistachios give them a run for the money!
Just a one-ounce serving of pistachios will give you over thirty vitamins, minerals and other super nutrients.
One of the best things about nuts in general, is that they are full of minerals that are VITAL to our body's proper functioning. And if you have paid much attention to nutrition news lately, you may be aware that minerals are getting harder and harder to obtain from our diet, and many people are mineral-deficient in one way or another.
So what are these great nutrients in pistachios?
Well for starters, pistachios are full of copper, phosphorus, and manganese (different from magnesium).
Copper is made up of multiple enzymes that help to create many of the necessary biochemical reactions in your body and also forms connective tissue. Manganese also helps form connective and skeletal tissue, and is instrumental in growth, reproduction and (this is good!) carbohydrate and fat metabolism. Phosphorus is very important for strong bones and teeth and works with calcium to prevent osteoporosis.
Other important minerals are magnesium -- necessary for more than 300 different important biochemical reactions in your body, and good for your heart and blood pressure; potassium --an electrolyte that keeps the body in the correct acid/base balance and also helps in forming proteins, metabolizing carbohydrates and building muscle.
And there is more to this nutritional powerhouse...
Pistachios are a rich source of B vitamins. B vitamins are essential for good nerve transmission, muscle building, a good mood, lots of energy, and infection-fighting power. They are also one of the highest protein nuts (as well as healthy fats), so they make a great satisfying snack that keeps your blood sugar and insulin at a good steady level.
In one study on pistachios and antioxidants, pistachios ranked up in the group with the highest amount of antioxidant activity above over 100 other foods. Antioxidants help to prevent free radical damage, which saves your cells and prevents aging and disease among other things.
We hear a lot about eye health and nutrients for the eyes lately, and guess what-- pistachios contain generous amount of lutein and zeaxanthin which prevent macular degeneration and other eye diseases related to aging.
Last but not least, pistachios are full of appetite satisfying fiber -- as much as a serving of oatmeal.
Nuts in general are a great source of fiber, which is valuable for fighting cancer, controlling blood sugar, and aids in a feeling of fullness. Most people only get about half the recommended amount of fiber they need in their diets, so eating pistachios will help add to your dietary intake.
Healthy Fats
While eating extremely large quantities of pistachios would be a LOT of calories... the good news is that the protein, good fats and fiber in them are nutritious and satisfy so much of the nutrient needs of your body, it's VERY difficult to overeat them.
Even when only eating small servings of these nuts, they have been proven to provide a high rate of satiety. Besides, having to shell all those pistachios actually ends up making you eat them a little more slowly, so the message to your brain that you are full happens on less nuts than if you were eating something already out of its shell.
Try to go for the all-natural or organic pistachios with no salt of low salt. Some brands of pistachios are a bit heavy on the salt.
If you haven't read our new Fat Burning Kitchen program, make sure to see the dozens of foods that help you burn fat, and surprising "health foods" that make you fat.
Eat well and stay lean!
Cat Ebeling & Mike Geary
Co-authors - The Fat Burning Kitchen
PS- What are your thoughts about this article? Are you using nuts as a protein, fibre, and healthy fat source? What are you favourite nuts and why?
Please share your thoughts by making a comment to this blog post below, thanks!
Also, remember to please let me know what boot camp times and locations would work best for you
Mike Geary is the owner of TruthAboutAbs.com & Busy Man Fitness.com. He's authored the internationally best-selling ebook, The Truth about Six Pack Abs. Currently, The Truth about Six Pack Abs is the #1 ranked Abdominals ebook in the world (as ranked by clickbank.com) with over 263,000 readers in 154 countries to date.
Grab your copy by clicking the link below:
The Truth About Six Pack Abs
PS- If you live in Vancouver, BC and want to experience some of the best rapid weight loss personal training that GUARANTEES you results or your money back, click the link below:
North Vancouver Personal Training
PPS- Or if you live in North or West Vancouver, BC and want to experience one of the best rapid weight loss fitness boot camps that'll get you lean and strong like the ladies in the video below (check out the video if you haven't already it's hilarious), please click the link below:
North Vancouver Boot Camp
Click the video below:
Tweet This
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Have you been lied to about the health benefits of canola oil?
Hey Tyron here with another really cool guest post from Mike Geary, fat loss and abs expert and creator of The Truth About Six Pack Abs, the #1 Rated Abs Program on the Internet(As Ranked by Clickbank.com).
But before I get to that I just wanted to remind you that I
opened up another one of my highly successful fitness boot camps this past Monday Sept. 14. It runs at 11:45am to 12:30pm (noontime) every Monday, Wednesday,
Friday at 2104 Front Street, just off old Dollarton in North
Vancouver. All my members now have access to 2 locations to choose from. So whether you sign up for 1, 2, or 3 times per week, you can choose each week what location and time works better for your schedule.
Stay tuned as the opening of my 3rd boot camp Monday, Wednesday, Friday will most definitely be on the horizon. Please leave a comment below letting me know which time(s) (i.e. 6am, 7am, etc) would work best for you as I want to accommodate those interested as much as I can.
For those who want to sign up for your FR.EE 1 week
trial visit http://www.ResurrectYourBodyBootCamp.com. Now you can attend any location that works for you, i.e. Monday come to the
noon class, Wednesday come to the evening class, and Friday come to
the noon class, your choice! And those who sign up for my Rapid
Results program can attend as many classes as they want per week
which works out to 6 classes at $8 per class!
Back to the article, Mike wrote an article about the dangers of canola oil and why you SHOULDN'T cook with it, use it raw as a salad dressing or give it to your worst enemy! If you've ever gone thru my Rapid Fat Loss Nutrition Habits you'll know I'm not a fan of ANY vegetable oil.
Read the short article below and put action to what you learn as its the doers that get results in life not the hearers (or readers in this case :)!
Resurrect your body back to life!
FYI - the guys at Prograde emailed me and told me that they are having a 10% off Back-to-School sale on ALL of their products until this Friday.
I'm currently using their VGF 25+ Multivitamin, and their Workout Drink for my post-workout nutrition to increase fat loss and muscle. I also have their organic snack bar Cravers too (peanut butter is the way to go!).
The 10% off everything sale is at this page, so stock up (ends Friday):
The Canola Oil Marketing Deception
Hey, Mike Geary here again with another kickin' article for you.
If you've been following my fitness newsletters for some time or know anything about me, you may have noticed that I NEVER include canola oil in any of my recipes or any of my lists of healthy foods.
Many people have asked me why, because all they hear in the mainstream media is that canola oil is "heart healthy" and a good source of monounsaturated fats similar to olive oil.
Well, first of all, you need to realize that much of what you hear in the mainstream media has been influenced by heavy handed marketing tactics by big food companies. Canola oil is cheap for them to produce so they want to fool you into thinking it's a "health oil" so that people, restaurants, etc. will buy it up as their main oil of choice.
The dirty truth about canola oil
Yes, it's true that canola oil is high in monounsaturates, but let me explain why canola oil is anything but "healthy".
Canola oil is made from something called rapeseed. Rapeseed actually had to be bred over the years to reduce the percentage of a problematic component of rapeseed, which is erucic acid.
Important note on canola oil "urban legends": There is a problem with most websites that DEFEND canola oil, saying that internet "urban legends" on the dangers of canola oil are unfounded. The problem is that these websites that defend canola oil ONLY talk about the issue of erucic acid. The issue of erucic acid IS an urban legend, because erucic acid has been bred out to very low levels over the years, so it is a non-issue.
However, these websites that defend canola oil are barking up the wrong tree because they don't address the issue of the processing of canola oil and oxidation of the polyunsaturated component of canola oil, which is what makes it unhealthy for human consumption. THAT'S the real issue that they either don't understand (because they are not nutrition experts) or are simply ignoring.
Let's look at the REAL issues with canola oil:
Canola oil typically ranges between 55-65% monounsaturated fat and between 28-35% polyunsaturated fat, with just a small amount of saturated fat.
While we've been led to believe that high monounsaturated fat oils are good for us (which they are in the case of virgin olive oil or from unprocessed nuts or seeds), the fact is that canola oil has more detriments than it does benefits.
As you may have heard me talk about in other articles or in my Truth about Abs book... one of the biggest problems with highly processed and refined vegetable oils such as corn oil, soybean oil, and yes, even canola oil, is that the polyunsaturated component of the oil is highly unstable under heat, light, and pressure, and this heavily oxidizes the polyunsaturates which increases free radicals in your body.
The end result of all of this refining and processing are oils that are highly inflammatory in your body when you ingest them, potentially contributing to heart disease, weight gain, and other degenerative diseases.
The reason that extra virgin olive oil is good for you is that it is cold pressed without the use of heat and solvents to aid extraction.
Canola oil, on the other hand, is typically extracted and refined using high heat, pressure, and petroleum solvents such as hexane. Most canola oil undergoes a process of caustic refining, degumming, bleaching, and deoderization, all using high heat and questionable chemicals.
Does canola even have trans fats?
Even worse, all of this high heat, high pressure processing with solvents actually forces some of the omega-3 content of canola oil to be transformed into trans fats.
According to Dr. Mary Enig, PhD, and Nutritional Biochemist, "Although the Canadian government lists the trans fat content of canola at a minimal 0.2 percent, research at the University of Florida at Gainesville, found trans fat levels as high as 4.6 percent in commercial liquid canola oil".
And this is the junk that's being marketed to you as a "health oil"!
As you can see from the details above on how canola oil is processed, it is barely any healthier for you than other junk oils like soybean oil or corn oil. The bottom line is that it is an inflammatory oil in your body and should be avoided.
The only canola oil that might be reasonable is if you see that it is "cold pressed" and organic. Most canola oil is NOT cold pressed or organic, so you might as well choose oils that you know are healthier.
Your best bets are these oils:
* extra virgin olive oil - for lower temperature cooking or used as a healthy salad dressing oil
* Udo's Choice Oil Blend - NEVER use this for cooking as it has a higher polyunsaturated fat content (therefore heat destroys the benefits of this oil), but it is a cold processed blend of healthy oils that mixes well with olive oil for salad dressings.
* Virgin coconut oil - great for all temperatures of cooking due to it's high stability under heat. A great source of healthy saturated fats in the form of medium chain triglycerides (MCTs), one of which is Lauric Acid, which helps support the immune system and is lacking in most western diets.
* Good Old Fashion Butter - I like to use a mix of butter, coconut oil, and a small bit of olive oil for most of my cooking.
So don't be fooled by food labels claiming that they contain "healthy canola oil"... as you can see, this couldn't be further from the truth! Choose some of the healthier options above and your body will thank you!
PS- What are your thoughts about this article? Are you using Canola oil or another vegetable to cook with or use on salads? Please share your thoughts by making a comment to this blog post below, thanks! Also, please let me know what boot camp times and locations would work best for you
Mike Geary is the owner of TruthAboutAbs.com & Busy Man Fitness.com. He's authored the internationally best-selling ebook, The Truth about Six Pack Abs. Currently, The Truth about Six Pack Abs is the #1 ranked Abdominals ebook in the world (as ranked by clickbank.com) with over 263,000 readers in 154 countries to date.
Grab your copy by clicking the link below:
The Truth About Six Pack Abs
PS- If you live in Vancouver, BC and want to experience some of the best rapid weight loss personal training that GUARANTEES you results or your money back, click the link below:
North Vancouver Personal Training
PPS- Or if you live in Vancouver, BC and want to experience one of the best rapid weight loss fitness boot camps that'll get you lean and strong like the ladies in the video below (check out the video if you haven't already it's hilarious), please click the link below:
North Vancouver Boot Camp
Click the video below:
Tweet This
But before I get to that I just wanted to remind you that I
opened up another one of my highly successful fitness boot camps this past Monday Sept. 14. It runs at 11:45am to 12:30pm (noontime) every Monday, Wednesday,
Friday at 2104 Front Street, just off old Dollarton in North
Vancouver. All my members now have access to 2 locations to choose from. So whether you sign up for 1, 2, or 3 times per week, you can choose each week what location and time works better for your schedule.
Stay tuned as the opening of my 3rd boot camp Monday, Wednesday, Friday will most definitely be on the horizon. Please leave a comment below letting me know which time(s) (i.e. 6am, 7am, etc) would work best for you as I want to accommodate those interested as much as I can.
For those who want to sign up for your FR.EE 1 week
trial visit http://www.ResurrectYourBodyBootCamp.com. Now you can attend any location that works for you, i.e. Monday come to the
noon class, Wednesday come to the evening class, and Friday come to
the noon class, your choice! And those who sign up for my Rapid
Results program can attend as many classes as they want per week
which works out to 6 classes at $8 per class!
Back to the article, Mike wrote an article about the dangers of canola oil and why you SHOULDN'T cook with it, use it raw as a salad dressing or give it to your worst enemy! If you've ever gone thru my Rapid Fat Loss Nutrition Habits you'll know I'm not a fan of ANY vegetable oil.
Read the short article below and put action to what you learn as its the doers that get results in life not the hearers (or readers in this case :)!
Resurrect your body back to life!
FYI - the guys at Prograde emailed me and told me that they are having a 10% off Back-to-School sale on ALL of their products until this Friday.
I'm currently using their VGF 25+ Multivitamin, and their Workout Drink for my post-workout nutrition to increase fat loss and muscle. I also have their organic snack bar Cravers too (peanut butter is the way to go!).
The 10% off everything sale is at this page, so stock up (ends Friday):
The Canola Oil Marketing Deception
Hey, Mike Geary here again with another kickin' article for you.
If you've been following my fitness newsletters for some time or know anything about me, you may have noticed that I NEVER include canola oil in any of my recipes or any of my lists of healthy foods.
Many people have asked me why, because all they hear in the mainstream media is that canola oil is "heart healthy" and a good source of monounsaturated fats similar to olive oil.
Well, first of all, you need to realize that much of what you hear in the mainstream media has been influenced by heavy handed marketing tactics by big food companies. Canola oil is cheap for them to produce so they want to fool you into thinking it's a "health oil" so that people, restaurants, etc. will buy it up as their main oil of choice.
The dirty truth about canola oil
Yes, it's true that canola oil is high in monounsaturates, but let me explain why canola oil is anything but "healthy".
Canola oil is made from something called rapeseed. Rapeseed actually had to be bred over the years to reduce the percentage of a problematic component of rapeseed, which is erucic acid.
Important note on canola oil "urban legends": There is a problem with most websites that DEFEND canola oil, saying that internet "urban legends" on the dangers of canola oil are unfounded. The problem is that these websites that defend canola oil ONLY talk about the issue of erucic acid. The issue of erucic acid IS an urban legend, because erucic acid has been bred out to very low levels over the years, so it is a non-issue.
However, these websites that defend canola oil are barking up the wrong tree because they don't address the issue of the processing of canola oil and oxidation of the polyunsaturated component of canola oil, which is what makes it unhealthy for human consumption. THAT'S the real issue that they either don't understand (because they are not nutrition experts) or are simply ignoring.
Let's look at the REAL issues with canola oil:
Canola oil typically ranges between 55-65% monounsaturated fat and between 28-35% polyunsaturated fat, with just a small amount of saturated fat.
While we've been led to believe that high monounsaturated fat oils are good for us (which they are in the case of virgin olive oil or from unprocessed nuts or seeds), the fact is that canola oil has more detriments than it does benefits.
As you may have heard me talk about in other articles or in my Truth about Abs book... one of the biggest problems with highly processed and refined vegetable oils such as corn oil, soybean oil, and yes, even canola oil, is that the polyunsaturated component of the oil is highly unstable under heat, light, and pressure, and this heavily oxidizes the polyunsaturates which increases free radicals in your body.
The end result of all of this refining and processing are oils that are highly inflammatory in your body when you ingest them, potentially contributing to heart disease, weight gain, and other degenerative diseases.
The reason that extra virgin olive oil is good for you is that it is cold pressed without the use of heat and solvents to aid extraction.
Canola oil, on the other hand, is typically extracted and refined using high heat, pressure, and petroleum solvents such as hexane. Most canola oil undergoes a process of caustic refining, degumming, bleaching, and deoderization, all using high heat and questionable chemicals.
Does canola even have trans fats?
Even worse, all of this high heat, high pressure processing with solvents actually forces some of the omega-3 content of canola oil to be transformed into trans fats.
According to Dr. Mary Enig, PhD, and Nutritional Biochemist, "Although the Canadian government lists the trans fat content of canola at a minimal 0.2 percent, research at the University of Florida at Gainesville, found trans fat levels as high as 4.6 percent in commercial liquid canola oil".
And this is the junk that's being marketed to you as a "health oil"!
As you can see from the details above on how canola oil is processed, it is barely any healthier for you than other junk oils like soybean oil or corn oil. The bottom line is that it is an inflammatory oil in your body and should be avoided.
The only canola oil that might be reasonable is if you see that it is "cold pressed" and organic. Most canola oil is NOT cold pressed or organic, so you might as well choose oils that you know are healthier.
Your best bets are these oils:
* extra virgin olive oil - for lower temperature cooking or used as a healthy salad dressing oil
* Udo's Choice Oil Blend - NEVER use this for cooking as it has a higher polyunsaturated fat content (therefore heat destroys the benefits of this oil), but it is a cold processed blend of healthy oils that mixes well with olive oil for salad dressings.
* Virgin coconut oil - great for all temperatures of cooking due to it's high stability under heat. A great source of healthy saturated fats in the form of medium chain triglycerides (MCTs), one of which is Lauric Acid, which helps support the immune system and is lacking in most western diets.
* Good Old Fashion Butter - I like to use a mix of butter, coconut oil, and a small bit of olive oil for most of my cooking.
So don't be fooled by food labels claiming that they contain "healthy canola oil"... as you can see, this couldn't be further from the truth! Choose some of the healthier options above and your body will thank you!
PS- What are your thoughts about this article? Are you using Canola oil or another vegetable to cook with or use on salads? Please share your thoughts by making a comment to this blog post below, thanks! Also, please let me know what boot camp times and locations would work best for you
Mike Geary is the owner of TruthAboutAbs.com & Busy Man Fitness.com. He's authored the internationally best-selling ebook, The Truth about Six Pack Abs. Currently, The Truth about Six Pack Abs is the #1 ranked Abdominals ebook in the world (as ranked by clickbank.com) with over 263,000 readers in 154 countries to date.
Grab your copy by clicking the link below:
The Truth About Six Pack Abs
PS- If you live in Vancouver, BC and want to experience some of the best rapid weight loss personal training that GUARANTEES you results or your money back, click the link below:
North Vancouver Personal Training
PPS- Or if you live in Vancouver, BC and want to experience one of the best rapid weight loss fitness boot camps that'll get you lean and strong like the ladies in the video below (check out the video if you haven't already it's hilarious), please click the link below:
North Vancouver Boot Camp
Click the video below:
Tweet This
Saturday, September 5, 2009
The Truth about Low-Carb Diets vs. Controlled-Carb Meals
Hey Tyron here with another really cool guest post from Mike Geary, fat loss and abs expert and creator of The Truth About Six Pack Abs, the #1 Rated Abs Program on the Internet(As Ranked by Clickbank.com).
But before I get to that I just wanted to let you know that I'm
opening up another one of my fitness boot camps this coming Monday
Sept. 14 at 11:45am to 12:30pm (noontime) every Monday, Wednesday,
Friday at 2104 Front Street, just off old Dollarton in North
For those who want to sign up for your FR.EE 1 week
trial visit http://www.ResurrectYourBodyBootCamp.com. Now you can attend any location that works for you, i.e. Monday come to the
noon class, Wednesday come to the evening class, and Friday come to
the noon class, your choice! And those who sign up for my Rapid
Results program can attend as many classes as they want per week
which works out to 6 classes at $8 per class!
Back to the article, Mike wrote an article about the truth of
low-carb diets vs. controlled carb diets and gave some suggestions for meals options.
Read the short article below and put action to what you learn as its the doers that get results in life not the hearers (or readers in this case :)!
Resurrect your body back to life!
The Truth about Low-Carb Diets vs Controlled-Carb Meals
Hey, Mike Geary here again with another kickin' article for you.
One of the problems I see with "diet talk" is that nobody seems to agree what "low carb" really means... One person may think of "low carb" as an Atkins style diet with as much fatty sausages, hotdogs, and nitrate processed meats as you want and virtually no carbohydrate based foods at all.
Another person may view "low carb" as 40% of daily calories coming from carbs instead of the traditionally recommended 55% to 60%.
If you think about it, in a 40/30/30 type of diet, the majority of the calories are coming from carbs, so that obviously can't be called "low carb"...yet some people do call it that.
Because of these drastic differences in how different people view the term "low carb", sometimes my clients are confused as to what I recommend.
First of all, I don't recommend "low carb" or "high carb" per se... I don't think it's vitally important to have any sort of exact ratio. I think everyone needs to explore for themselves how they feel at different ratios of fat, protein, and carbohydrates.
After all, the most important aspect to your success is your total caloric intake vs your caloric expenditure over a given time period.
But where carbohydrate intake becomes important is in how it can affect your hormones and blood sugar in your body and stimulate cravings. You could tell someone to eat 2500 calories/day of a higher fat and higher protein content combined with reduced carbs and they may actually finish the day at 2500 calories because their appetite is satisfied.
However, tell that same person to eat 2500 calories per day in a high carb fashion, and they may end up eating 3000 or more calories per day because the higher carbohydrate diet stimulated their cravings and they ended up overeating.
I know personally, if you throw a big steak in front of me and a big pile of vegetables, my appetite will be satisfied when I'm done that meal and for hours afterward. However, you throw a big plate of pasta in front of me, and I'm gonna devour the entire plate, and then head back for seconds and maybe even thirds.
This is what happens for a lot of people... once you start eating large portions of carbs like pasta or rice or cereals, it becomes hard to stop and then you're craving more carbs an hour later too!
So what I've found to work best for me, and a large % of my clients in the past is to eat in a "controlled carbs" manner... this doesn't mean atkins style... it means very reduced grains, zero refined sugars (to the best of ability of avoiding), and instead, getting almost all of your healthy carbs from vegetables, fruits, and maybe beans on occasion.
This ends up being very similar to the hunter-gatherer type of diet of meats, eggs, nuts, seeds, fruits, and veggies, which I believe is the healthiest way to eat.
Sometimes it just takes thinking a little differently about the way you eat and what's considered "normal" in order to get rid of some of the useless grains and sugars in your diet.
For example, why do we need to eat a burger on a bun? Most people don't even think of doing it any other way because that's what's "normal".
One of my favorite lunch meals lately has been cooking up a grass-fed bison burger with no bun, and then I top it with grass-fed cheese, sliced avocados, diced onions, and salsa. I have a big side of sliced fresh veggies like carrots and red peppers (with hummus sometimes), and then maybe have a little bit of fruit or berries on the side too.
What you end up with is a meal that's pretty well balanced between protein, healthy fats, and healthy carbs instead of overloaded with the refined grains from the typical hamburger bun.
Think about breakfast too...
do you really "need" the toast with your eggs, or can you do much better with loads of veggies with your eggs instead?
That's what I like to do for breakfast... whole eggs with cheese and loads of veggies, avocado (yeah, avo's are one of my favorite foods), and some green or white tea (or lately I've been really digging this mango yerba mate tea...mmm) with a little raw honey. So I get my carbs from the veggies and the little bit of raw honey instead of from the typical toast and orange juice that loads you up with extra carbs.
...Just some ideas in case it helps you to think differently about where you get your carbs from.
PS- What are your thoughts about this article? If you enjoy drinking, did it give you some tips you put immediate action to? Please share your thoughts by making a comment to this blog post below, thanks!
Mike Geary is the owner of TruthAboutAbs.com & Busy Man Fitness.com. He's authored the internationally best-selling ebook, The Truth about Six Pack Abs. Currently, The Truth about Six Pack Abs is the #1 ranked Abdominals ebook in the world (as ranked by clickbank.com) with over 263,000 readers in 154 countries to date.
Grab your copy by clicking the link below:
The Truth About Six Pack Abs
PS- If you live in Vancouver, BC and want to experience some of the best rapid weight loss personal training that GUARANTEES you results or your money back, click the link below:
North Vancouver Personal Training
PPS- Or if you live in Vancouver, BC and want to experience one of the best rapid weight loss fitness boot camps that'll get you lean and strong like the ladies in the video below (check out the video if you haven't already it's hilarious), please click the link below:
North Vancouver Boot Camp
Click the video below:
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But before I get to that I just wanted to let you know that I'm
opening up another one of my fitness boot camps this coming Monday
Sept. 14 at 11:45am to 12:30pm (noontime) every Monday, Wednesday,
Friday at 2104 Front Street, just off old Dollarton in North
For those who want to sign up for your FR.EE 1 week
trial visit http://www.ResurrectYourBodyBootCamp.com. Now you can attend any location that works for you, i.e. Monday come to the
noon class, Wednesday come to the evening class, and Friday come to
the noon class, your choice! And those who sign up for my Rapid
Results program can attend as many classes as they want per week
which works out to 6 classes at $8 per class!
Back to the article, Mike wrote an article about the truth of
low-carb diets vs. controlled carb diets and gave some suggestions for meals options.
Read the short article below and put action to what you learn as its the doers that get results in life not the hearers (or readers in this case :)!
Resurrect your body back to life!
The Truth about Low-Carb Diets vs Controlled-Carb Meals
Hey, Mike Geary here again with another kickin' article for you.
One of the problems I see with "diet talk" is that nobody seems to agree what "low carb" really means... One person may think of "low carb" as an Atkins style diet with as much fatty sausages, hotdogs, and nitrate processed meats as you want and virtually no carbohydrate based foods at all.
Another person may view "low carb" as 40% of daily calories coming from carbs instead of the traditionally recommended 55% to 60%.
If you think about it, in a 40/30/30 type of diet, the majority of the calories are coming from carbs, so that obviously can't be called "low carb"...yet some people do call it that.
Because of these drastic differences in how different people view the term "low carb", sometimes my clients are confused as to what I recommend.
First of all, I don't recommend "low carb" or "high carb" per se... I don't think it's vitally important to have any sort of exact ratio. I think everyone needs to explore for themselves how they feel at different ratios of fat, protein, and carbohydrates.
After all, the most important aspect to your success is your total caloric intake vs your caloric expenditure over a given time period.
But where carbohydrate intake becomes important is in how it can affect your hormones and blood sugar in your body and stimulate cravings. You could tell someone to eat 2500 calories/day of a higher fat and higher protein content combined with reduced carbs and they may actually finish the day at 2500 calories because their appetite is satisfied.
However, tell that same person to eat 2500 calories per day in a high carb fashion, and they may end up eating 3000 or more calories per day because the higher carbohydrate diet stimulated their cravings and they ended up overeating.
I know personally, if you throw a big steak in front of me and a big pile of vegetables, my appetite will be satisfied when I'm done that meal and for hours afterward. However, you throw a big plate of pasta in front of me, and I'm gonna devour the entire plate, and then head back for seconds and maybe even thirds.
This is what happens for a lot of people... once you start eating large portions of carbs like pasta or rice or cereals, it becomes hard to stop and then you're craving more carbs an hour later too!
So what I've found to work best for me, and a large % of my clients in the past is to eat in a "controlled carbs" manner... this doesn't mean atkins style... it means very reduced grains, zero refined sugars (to the best of ability of avoiding), and instead, getting almost all of your healthy carbs from vegetables, fruits, and maybe beans on occasion.
This ends up being very similar to the hunter-gatherer type of diet of meats, eggs, nuts, seeds, fruits, and veggies, which I believe is the healthiest way to eat.
Sometimes it just takes thinking a little differently about the way you eat and what's considered "normal" in order to get rid of some of the useless grains and sugars in your diet.
For example, why do we need to eat a burger on a bun? Most people don't even think of doing it any other way because that's what's "normal".
One of my favorite lunch meals lately has been cooking up a grass-fed bison burger with no bun, and then I top it with grass-fed cheese, sliced avocados, diced onions, and salsa. I have a big side of sliced fresh veggies like carrots and red peppers (with hummus sometimes), and then maybe have a little bit of fruit or berries on the side too.
What you end up with is a meal that's pretty well balanced between protein, healthy fats, and healthy carbs instead of overloaded with the refined grains from the typical hamburger bun.
Think about breakfast too...
do you really "need" the toast with your eggs, or can you do much better with loads of veggies with your eggs instead?
That's what I like to do for breakfast... whole eggs with cheese and loads of veggies, avocado (yeah, avo's are one of my favorite foods), and some green or white tea (or lately I've been really digging this mango yerba mate tea...mmm) with a little raw honey. So I get my carbs from the veggies and the little bit of raw honey instead of from the typical toast and orange juice that loads you up with extra carbs.
...Just some ideas in case it helps you to think differently about where you get your carbs from.
PS- What are your thoughts about this article? If you enjoy drinking, did it give you some tips you put immediate action to? Please share your thoughts by making a comment to this blog post below, thanks!
Mike Geary is the owner of TruthAboutAbs.com & Busy Man Fitness.com. He's authored the internationally best-selling ebook, The Truth about Six Pack Abs. Currently, The Truth about Six Pack Abs is the #1 ranked Abdominals ebook in the world (as ranked by clickbank.com) with over 263,000 readers in 154 countries to date.
Grab your copy by clicking the link below:
The Truth About Six Pack Abs
PS- If you live in Vancouver, BC and want to experience some of the best rapid weight loss personal training that GUARANTEES you results or your money back, click the link below:
North Vancouver Personal Training
PPS- Or if you live in Vancouver, BC and want to experience one of the best rapid weight loss fitness boot camps that'll get you lean and strong like the ladies in the video below (check out the video if you haven't already it's hilarious), please click the link below:
North Vancouver Boot Camp
Click the video below:
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Can you drink alcohol and still stay lean?
Hey Tyron here with a really cool guest post from Mike Geary, fat loss and abs expert and creator of The Truth About Six Pack Abs, the #1 Rated Abs Program on the Internet(As Ranked by Clickbank.com).
He wrote an article about how to enjoy drinking alcohol without having to gain belly fat and lose all the results you've gained. Since I know a number of people can't completely give up alcohol (nor do you need to unless you have a problem with it) I thought you'd enjoy this.
In this guest post, Mike lays out his tips for how to accomplish your fat loss and health goals while enjoying a drink here and there.
Resurrect your body back to life!
How fat loss, muscle building, and health are affected by alcohol consumption
Hey, Mike Geary here. This topic of should I or should I not consume alcohol seems to be a common struggle I hear from a lot of people... They want to get lean, but they don't want to give up drinking alcohol.
Now, I'm not talking about alcoholic type of drinking (that is obviously a problem)... we're just talking moderate social drinking here.
First, although some people may willingly choose to give up alcohol entirely, I still think most of us can drink in moderation, and still stay perfectly healthy and lean. But there are a few tricks that can help you to not pack on the pounds... and I'll mention those in a little bit.
As for myself, it comes down to choosing what I'm going to be strict about to maintain my fitness lifestyle and what I'm not going to be strict about.
For example, I'm pretty strict about never eating anything deep fried or made with trans fats, never eating white bread, and never drinking sodas or sweetened soft drinks of any kind... but I'll admit that one thing I've chosen to not be strict about is drinking alcohol.
I'm in my 30's now and I certainly don't drink as frequently as I did back in my crazy college days, but I'll certainly enjoy some cold ones when hanging out with friends, going to a bbq or dinner party, or during a night out at the bars and nightclubs.
It's all about balance in your life, and not every aspect has to be perfect in order for you to still get the body and health that you want. You'll drive yourself crazy if you're trying to be perfect.
Of course, if you have no problem abstaining from alcohol, then that will certainly be the best thing for your health and your body.
However, for the rest of us, that actually do like to partake in some social drinking, here are a few tips that have helped me to stay single-digit body fat lean, while still drinking alcohol occasionally.
Tip #1
Obviously alcohol gives you extra empty calories on the days that you choose to drink. Alcohol has 7 calories per gram, compared to 4 calories per gram for carbs and protein, and 9 calories per gram for fats.
On nights that I know are going to involve some drinking, it helps to make sure that dinner is based only around protein and vegetables. You're going to take in a lot of empty calories with the alcohol, so eating a good portion of appetite-satisfying protein along with nutrient-rich vegetables can help to control your appetite and give your body the nutrients it needs.
Plus, most importantly, there's just no room for loads of carbohydrate-rich foods if you're also going to be consuming alcohol. Carbs + alcohol is a perfect recipe for growing a beer belly! Try to keep that evening meal a fairly low-carb meal to save yourself from extra empty calories.
Tip #2
If you want to save your body from adding layers of ugly fat, by all means stay away from syrupy, fruity drinks that are loaded with sugar... this is a double whammy for your gut as you're not only getting all of the empty alcohol calories, but also loads of empty sugar calories. Big fruity drinks such as a margarita can sometimes have as much as 500-600 calories per serving!
Instead, your best bet is to stick with a clear alcohol mixed with club soda and a squeeze of lime or lemon. Vodka with club soda and extra lemon/lime squeeze is my drink of choice at the bars and nightclubs.
Stay away from tonic water mixers! Some people don't realize this, but tonic water is loaded with almost as much sugar as regular soda pop... on the other hand, club soda has no calories at all. It's clearly the lowest calorie way to drink.
Tip #3
If you're going to drink beer, you're better off choosing just 1 or 2 dark beers rather than 5 or 6 light beers. Sure, dark beers have more calories than light beers, but dark beers also have more B vitamins and antioxidants than light beers, so you actually get more nutrition from the dark beer. As long as you keep it to just 1 or 2 dark beers, you may still stay within 150-400 calories.
Tip #4
Try to get in a high intensity full body workout before your night out of drinking. At least you've revved up your metabolism and have your body processing calories a little faster.
Also, trying to get in some sort of exercise the morning after your night out can also help to get your body back to a good state of health. This may not be your best workouts in terms of energy, but it can help to just get your body moving and break a sweat.
Tip #5
Avoid the late-night munchies after a night of drinking! This is where most people do the biggest damage to their waistlines.
Instead, make sure to have some lean protein and vegetables quickly available at home (perhaps some pre-cooked chicken breasts, grass-fed steaks, or even tuna fish and some veggie sticks) so that you can satisfy your late night post-party appetite with lean protein instead of carbohydrates.
The worst thing for your body is loading up on pizza, ice cream, and other carb-rich junk after a night out of drinking.
Tip #6
If you drink multiple drinks socially, try to keep drinking alcohol to only 1-2 days/week maximum if you want to stay lean. On the other hand, if you never drink more than 1-2 drinks per day, I think having 1-2 drinks daily with a meal can still be part of a healthy lifestyle. As long as those calories are accounted for and you still stay within your daily caloric maintenance.
Tip #7
Wine is one of the healthier drink choices... if you must have a drink, you might as well choose wine so you at least get a good dose of antioxidants as well. Red wine is known for it's antioxidant content, however even white wines contain antioxidants as well.
And finally, like I mentioned before, drinking alcohol just adds one more thing to your list that you have to work against in getting the body you want.
Abstaining may always be the best choice, BUT we also need to be realistic and know that social drinking is not something that most people are willing to give up entirely.
For that reason, this list of tips to help manage social drinking in a healthier way can really help you to stay leaner and healthier and still balance a little bit of social drinking into your life.
PS- What are your thoughts about this article? If you enjoy drinking, did it give you some tips you put immediate action to? Please share your thoughts by making a comment to this blog post below, thanks!
Mike Geary is the owner of TruthAboutAbs.com & Busy Man Fitness.com. He's authored the internationally best-selling ebook, The Truth about Six Pack Abs. Currently, The Truth about Six Pack Abs is the #1 ranked Abdominals ebook in the world (as ranked by clickbank.com) with over 263,000 readers in 154 countries to date.
Grab your copy by clicking the link below:
The Truth About Six Pack Abs
PS- If you live in Vancouver, BC and want to experience some of the best rapid weight loss personal training so you can build a lean, strong, health body that'll get your metabolism revved up so you can enjoy some social drinking guilt-free, click the link below:
North Vancouver Personal Training
PPS- Or if you live in Vancouver, BC and want to experience one of the best rapid weight loss fitness boot camps that'll get you lean and strong like the ladies in the video below, please click the link below:
North Vancouver Boot Camp
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He wrote an article about how to enjoy drinking alcohol without having to gain belly fat and lose all the results you've gained. Since I know a number of people can't completely give up alcohol (nor do you need to unless you have a problem with it) I thought you'd enjoy this.
In this guest post, Mike lays out his tips for how to accomplish your fat loss and health goals while enjoying a drink here and there.
Resurrect your body back to life!
How fat loss, muscle building, and health are affected by alcohol consumption
Hey, Mike Geary here. This topic of should I or should I not consume alcohol seems to be a common struggle I hear from a lot of people... They want to get lean, but they don't want to give up drinking alcohol.
Now, I'm not talking about alcoholic type of drinking (that is obviously a problem)... we're just talking moderate social drinking here.
First, although some people may willingly choose to give up alcohol entirely, I still think most of us can drink in moderation, and still stay perfectly healthy and lean. But there are a few tricks that can help you to not pack on the pounds... and I'll mention those in a little bit.
As for myself, it comes down to choosing what I'm going to be strict about to maintain my fitness lifestyle and what I'm not going to be strict about.
For example, I'm pretty strict about never eating anything deep fried or made with trans fats, never eating white bread, and never drinking sodas or sweetened soft drinks of any kind... but I'll admit that one thing I've chosen to not be strict about is drinking alcohol.
I'm in my 30's now and I certainly don't drink as frequently as I did back in my crazy college days, but I'll certainly enjoy some cold ones when hanging out with friends, going to a bbq or dinner party, or during a night out at the bars and nightclubs.
It's all about balance in your life, and not every aspect has to be perfect in order for you to still get the body and health that you want. You'll drive yourself crazy if you're trying to be perfect.
Of course, if you have no problem abstaining from alcohol, then that will certainly be the best thing for your health and your body.
However, for the rest of us, that actually do like to partake in some social drinking, here are a few tips that have helped me to stay single-digit body fat lean, while still drinking alcohol occasionally.
Tip #1
Obviously alcohol gives you extra empty calories on the days that you choose to drink. Alcohol has 7 calories per gram, compared to 4 calories per gram for carbs and protein, and 9 calories per gram for fats.
On nights that I know are going to involve some drinking, it helps to make sure that dinner is based only around protein and vegetables. You're going to take in a lot of empty calories with the alcohol, so eating a good portion of appetite-satisfying protein along with nutrient-rich vegetables can help to control your appetite and give your body the nutrients it needs.
Plus, most importantly, there's just no room for loads of carbohydrate-rich foods if you're also going to be consuming alcohol. Carbs + alcohol is a perfect recipe for growing a beer belly! Try to keep that evening meal a fairly low-carb meal to save yourself from extra empty calories.
Tip #2
If you want to save your body from adding layers of ugly fat, by all means stay away from syrupy, fruity drinks that are loaded with sugar... this is a double whammy for your gut as you're not only getting all of the empty alcohol calories, but also loads of empty sugar calories. Big fruity drinks such as a margarita can sometimes have as much as 500-600 calories per serving!
Instead, your best bet is to stick with a clear alcohol mixed with club soda and a squeeze of lime or lemon. Vodka with club soda and extra lemon/lime squeeze is my drink of choice at the bars and nightclubs.
Stay away from tonic water mixers! Some people don't realize this, but tonic water is loaded with almost as much sugar as regular soda pop... on the other hand, club soda has no calories at all. It's clearly the lowest calorie way to drink.
Tip #3
If you're going to drink beer, you're better off choosing just 1 or 2 dark beers rather than 5 or 6 light beers. Sure, dark beers have more calories than light beers, but dark beers also have more B vitamins and antioxidants than light beers, so you actually get more nutrition from the dark beer. As long as you keep it to just 1 or 2 dark beers, you may still stay within 150-400 calories.
Tip #4
Try to get in a high intensity full body workout before your night out of drinking. At least you've revved up your metabolism and have your body processing calories a little faster.
Also, trying to get in some sort of exercise the morning after your night out can also help to get your body back to a good state of health. This may not be your best workouts in terms of energy, but it can help to just get your body moving and break a sweat.
Tip #5
Avoid the late-night munchies after a night of drinking! This is where most people do the biggest damage to their waistlines.
Instead, make sure to have some lean protein and vegetables quickly available at home (perhaps some pre-cooked chicken breasts, grass-fed steaks, or even tuna fish and some veggie sticks) so that you can satisfy your late night post-party appetite with lean protein instead of carbohydrates.
The worst thing for your body is loading up on pizza, ice cream, and other carb-rich junk after a night out of drinking.
Tip #6
If you drink multiple drinks socially, try to keep drinking alcohol to only 1-2 days/week maximum if you want to stay lean. On the other hand, if you never drink more than 1-2 drinks per day, I think having 1-2 drinks daily with a meal can still be part of a healthy lifestyle. As long as those calories are accounted for and you still stay within your daily caloric maintenance.
Tip #7
Wine is one of the healthier drink choices... if you must have a drink, you might as well choose wine so you at least get a good dose of antioxidants as well. Red wine is known for it's antioxidant content, however even white wines contain antioxidants as well.
And finally, like I mentioned before, drinking alcohol just adds one more thing to your list that you have to work against in getting the body you want.
Abstaining may always be the best choice, BUT we also need to be realistic and know that social drinking is not something that most people are willing to give up entirely.
For that reason, this list of tips to help manage social drinking in a healthier way can really help you to stay leaner and healthier and still balance a little bit of social drinking into your life.
PS- What are your thoughts about this article? If you enjoy drinking, did it give you some tips you put immediate action to? Please share your thoughts by making a comment to this blog post below, thanks!
Mike Geary is the owner of TruthAboutAbs.com & Busy Man Fitness.com. He's authored the internationally best-selling ebook, The Truth about Six Pack Abs. Currently, The Truth about Six Pack Abs is the #1 ranked Abdominals ebook in the world (as ranked by clickbank.com) with over 263,000 readers in 154 countries to date.
Grab your copy by clicking the link below:
The Truth About Six Pack Abs
PS- If you live in Vancouver, BC and want to experience some of the best rapid weight loss personal training so you can build a lean, strong, health body that'll get your metabolism revved up so you can enjoy some social drinking guilt-free, click the link below:
North Vancouver Personal Training
PPS- Or if you live in Vancouver, BC and want to experience one of the best rapid weight loss fitness boot camps that'll get you lean and strong like the ladies in the video below, please click the link below:
North Vancouver Boot Camp
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Saturday, August 15, 2009
Why Exercise Won’t Make You Thin… Without A Proper Diet!
TIME Magazine recently published a very controversial article on the effects of exercise on weight loss.
The article was called “Why Exercise Won’t Make You Thin” (to read the article in full: http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1914857-1,00.html)
A colleague of mine, BJ Gaddour, fat loss expert and co-creator of Workout Muse, the world renowned interval audio trainer, recently wrote an article in response to some very important issues the article above presents.
Read his interesting article below and please leave a comment below.

Not exactly a sweeping promotion for fitness!
Though there were a lot of things within the article that I found misleading or flat out incorrect, the article does bring to light some very important concepts that are critical for the general population to understand:
1.) Exercise WILL make you hungrier
There is no question here. Exercise, especially intensive exercise, ramps up metabolism and our body’s natural response to energy expenditure (calories burnt from activity) is to increase energy consumption (food intake).
However, being hungrier from exercise is not the culprit- choosing the wrong type of food following exercise is!
In other words, if our diets focus on lots of lean protein, healthy fats, and high-fiber fruits and veggies every 2-4 hours, then we will be able to squash our exercise-induced hunger and build muscle and burn fat from exercise like we intend to. These foods are proven to promote optimal health, performance, and body composition.
However, if you are a carb addict (think lots of refined grains and sugars), exercise will only make you crave more carbs leading to intense feelings of insatiability throughout the day due to unstable blood sugar levels. Make no mistake about it- in this case, exercise will not only cause you to NOT lose weight, but most likely will cause weight gain.
Here’s the line I tell most people who come to me to lose weight for them to understand the key to the success they crave:
“If you want to bulk up, add size, and gain weight, be sure to eat plenty of starches and sugars. But if you want to be lean and muscular, swap the starches and sugars for high fiber fruits and vegetables, with a special emphasis on green veggies.”
It’s really that simple, which brings me to point #2…
2.) Exercise without proper nutrition WILL NOT cause significant weight loss
Nutrition is without a doubt 80-90+% of the equation when it comes to weight management. Hormones govern fat loss and both exercise and nutrition impact your body’s hormone levels- positively or negatively depending on what type of exercise and diet plan you follow.
However, you can never wipe out poor nutritional habits with exercise- NEVER! In terms of diet, the hormone we must be most concerned about is insulin, a storage hormone that’s released in large amounts when consuming refined starches and sugars.
No matter how hard you workout, if you are releasing insulin through the day with a high carb diet, you will be helpless to its fat-storing effects.
On the other hand, lean proteins, healthy fats, and high-fiber fruits and veggies do not significantly impact your insulin levels thus allowing you to preferentially burn fat and build muscle in conjunction with the right exercise plan, which brings me to point #3…
3.) Not all exercise is created equal
The aforementioned article failed to distinguish between different forms of exercise. It misleadingly uses the word “exercise” to refer to aerobic activity or any form of exercise of low to moderate intensity.
Well, we already know that aerobic training has zero effect on fat loss over dieting alone- many studies support this.
So this article should not be using aerobics as the marker for “exercise” and it’s impact on weight loss… it’s like taking a dull knife to a gun fight!
Furthermore, we know that high-intensity interval training (HIIT) burns 9x more fat than ordinary exercise (aerobic training) and actually builds lean muscle and elevates metabolism for up to 24-48 post-workout (please reference my (Tyron's) most recent blog posts for a ton of interval workouts that fit the bill here)
In conclusion, study after study proves that when it comes to exercise for fat loss:
So this TIME magazine article missed the ball on the big picture here: When it comes to being lean, muscular, and healthy, the key is an integrated and research based diet AND exercise regimen- exercise alone simply doesn’t cut it!
Crank it!
PS- What are your thoughts about this article? Does this hurt or help the weight loss cause? Please share your mind by making a comment to this blog post below, thanks!
BJ's internationally renowned Get Sexy Boot Camps are Milwaukee's premier fitness boot camps for men and women. He is also the co-creator of Workout Muse: The World's FIRST and #1 Source for Fitness Music and Media Production.
PS- If you live in Vancouver, BC and want to experience some of the best rapid weight loss personal training, please click the link below:
North Vancouver Personal Training
PPS- If you live in Vancouver, BC and want to experience some of the best rapid weight loss fitness boot camp, please click the link below:
North Vancouver Boot Camp Tweet This
The article was called “Why Exercise Won’t Make You Thin” (to read the article in full: http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1914857-1,00.html)
A colleague of mine, BJ Gaddour, fat loss expert and co-creator of Workout Muse, the world renowned interval audio trainer, recently wrote an article in response to some very important issues the article above presents.
Read his interesting article below and please leave a comment below.

Not exactly a sweeping promotion for fitness!
Though there were a lot of things within the article that I found misleading or flat out incorrect, the article does bring to light some very important concepts that are critical for the general population to understand:
1.) Exercise WILL make you hungrier
There is no question here. Exercise, especially intensive exercise, ramps up metabolism and our body’s natural response to energy expenditure (calories burnt from activity) is to increase energy consumption (food intake).
However, being hungrier from exercise is not the culprit- choosing the wrong type of food following exercise is!
In other words, if our diets focus on lots of lean protein, healthy fats, and high-fiber fruits and veggies every 2-4 hours, then we will be able to squash our exercise-induced hunger and build muscle and burn fat from exercise like we intend to. These foods are proven to promote optimal health, performance, and body composition.
However, if you are a carb addict (think lots of refined grains and sugars), exercise will only make you crave more carbs leading to intense feelings of insatiability throughout the day due to unstable blood sugar levels. Make no mistake about it- in this case, exercise will not only cause you to NOT lose weight, but most likely will cause weight gain.
Here’s the line I tell most people who come to me to lose weight for them to understand the key to the success they crave:
“If you want to bulk up, add size, and gain weight, be sure to eat plenty of starches and sugars. But if you want to be lean and muscular, swap the starches and sugars for high fiber fruits and vegetables, with a special emphasis on green veggies.”
It’s really that simple, which brings me to point #2…
2.) Exercise without proper nutrition WILL NOT cause significant weight loss
Nutrition is without a doubt 80-90+% of the equation when it comes to weight management. Hormones govern fat loss and both exercise and nutrition impact your body’s hormone levels- positively or negatively depending on what type of exercise and diet plan you follow.
However, you can never wipe out poor nutritional habits with exercise- NEVER! In terms of diet, the hormone we must be most concerned about is insulin, a storage hormone that’s released in large amounts when consuming refined starches and sugars.
No matter how hard you workout, if you are releasing insulin through the day with a high carb diet, you will be helpless to its fat-storing effects.
On the other hand, lean proteins, healthy fats, and high-fiber fruits and veggies do not significantly impact your insulin levels thus allowing you to preferentially burn fat and build muscle in conjunction with the right exercise plan, which brings me to point #3…
3.) Not all exercise is created equal
The aforementioned article failed to distinguish between different forms of exercise. It misleadingly uses the word “exercise” to refer to aerobic activity or any form of exercise of low to moderate intensity.
Well, we already know that aerobic training has zero effect on fat loss over dieting alone- many studies support this.
So this article should not be using aerobics as the marker for “exercise” and it’s impact on weight loss… it’s like taking a dull knife to a gun fight!
Furthermore, we know that high-intensity interval training (HIIT) burns 9x more fat than ordinary exercise (aerobic training) and actually builds lean muscle and elevates metabolism for up to 24-48 post-workout (please reference my (Tyron's) most recent blog posts for a ton of interval workouts that fit the bill here)
In conclusion, study after study proves that when it comes to exercise for fat loss:
So this TIME magazine article missed the ball on the big picture here: When it comes to being lean, muscular, and healthy, the key is an integrated and research based diet AND exercise regimen- exercise alone simply doesn’t cut it!
Crank it!
PS- What are your thoughts about this article? Does this hurt or help the weight loss cause? Please share your mind by making a comment to this blog post below, thanks!
BJ's internationally renowned Get Sexy Boot Camps are Milwaukee's premier fitness boot camps for men and women. He is also the co-creator of Workout Muse: The World's FIRST and #1 Source for Fitness Music and Media Production.
PS- If you live in Vancouver, BC and want to experience some of the best rapid weight loss personal training, please click the link below:
North Vancouver Personal Training
PPS- If you live in Vancouver, BC and want to experience some of the best rapid weight loss fitness boot camp, please click the link below:
North Vancouver Boot Camp Tweet This
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Tighten Your Waist at Your Favourite Restaurant With These Top 5 Tips
Guest post by fat loss expert and co-creator of Workout Muse, the world renowned interval audio trainer, BJ Gaddour.
It’s critical to know that with a few small changes, almost anything on the menu can be transformed into a tasty, yet health meal at your favorite restaurant. Here are a few nutrition tips for a leaner you:

1) Hold the Bun to Get Slimmer Buns: When ordering any sandwich on the menu, ask your server to “hold the bun”. Eliminating excess starches in your diet forces your body to burn more unwanted body fat for fuel 24-7. The result- leaner legs, a tighter butt, and a flatter tummy!

2) Upgrade Your Salad to Burn More Calories: Anytime you eat, your metabolism increases as you burn calories from the digestion, absorption, and storing of nutrients from food. This is called the thermic effect of feeding. Furthermore, research shows that the thermic effect of protein is roughly double that of fat or carbohydrates. So, boost your metabolism by adding lean proteins sources such as chicken, steak, salmon, or shrimp to any of your favorite salads.

3) Dip Your Fork to Drop Some Pounds: Dressings can easily contain several hundred hidden calories in the form of refined sugar or excess fat that can go straight to your gut. So the next time you order a salad, simply ask for the “dressing on the side” and dip your fork in it with each bite. You’ll keep the flavor your taste buds crave without any of the guilt!

4) Go Green to Be Lean: To make any entrée a belly fat-burning treat, replace any starch-based sides like fries or bread with sautéed, grilled or steamed vegetables. Better yet, opt for green vegetables like broccoli, spinach, green beans, or asparagus as much as possible since they have the highest amount of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants for optimal health. Furthermore, green veggies are loaded with fiber and thus help fill you up faster and keep you fuller between meals.

5) Make Your Dessert Guilt-Free: You don’t have to be perfect all the time… just most of the time! In other words, if you eat well and exercise regularly 80-90% of the time, you can afford a tasty treat in moderation. Studies show that if you eliminate temptation you can avoid its pitfalls. But studies also show that flexibility is the key to long-term weight loss success. So first get rid of any sweets you may have at home and then limit dessert to once or twice per week when eating out. You can even go one step further by cutting the calories in half by splitting a dessert with a friend or family member.
The tips above will put your diet on track. Now, check out the resources below to put your workouts on track ;)
Crank it!
BJ's internationally renowned Get Sexy Boot Camps are Milwaukee's premier fitness boot camps for men and women. He is also the co-creator of Workout Muse: The World's FIRST and #1 Source for Fitness Music and Media Production.
PS- If you live in Vancouver, BC and want to experience the best rapid weight loss personal training, please click the link below:
North Vancouver's Best Personal Training
PPS- If you live in Vancouver, BC and want to experience the best rapid weight loss fitness boot camp, please click the link below:
North Vancouver's Best Fitness Boot Camp Tweet This
It’s critical to know that with a few small changes, almost anything on the menu can be transformed into a tasty, yet health meal at your favorite restaurant. Here are a few nutrition tips for a leaner you:

1) Hold the Bun to Get Slimmer Buns: When ordering any sandwich on the menu, ask your server to “hold the bun”. Eliminating excess starches in your diet forces your body to burn more unwanted body fat for fuel 24-7. The result- leaner legs, a tighter butt, and a flatter tummy!

2) Upgrade Your Salad to Burn More Calories: Anytime you eat, your metabolism increases as you burn calories from the digestion, absorption, and storing of nutrients from food. This is called the thermic effect of feeding. Furthermore, research shows that the thermic effect of protein is roughly double that of fat or carbohydrates. So, boost your metabolism by adding lean proteins sources such as chicken, steak, salmon, or shrimp to any of your favorite salads.

3) Dip Your Fork to Drop Some Pounds: Dressings can easily contain several hundred hidden calories in the form of refined sugar or excess fat that can go straight to your gut. So the next time you order a salad, simply ask for the “dressing on the side” and dip your fork in it with each bite. You’ll keep the flavor your taste buds crave without any of the guilt!

4) Go Green to Be Lean: To make any entrée a belly fat-burning treat, replace any starch-based sides like fries or bread with sautéed, grilled or steamed vegetables. Better yet, opt for green vegetables like broccoli, spinach, green beans, or asparagus as much as possible since they have the highest amount of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants for optimal health. Furthermore, green veggies are loaded with fiber and thus help fill you up faster and keep you fuller between meals.
5) Make Your Dessert Guilt-Free: You don’t have to be perfect all the time… just most of the time! In other words, if you eat well and exercise regularly 80-90% of the time, you can afford a tasty treat in moderation. Studies show that if you eliminate temptation you can avoid its pitfalls. But studies also show that flexibility is the key to long-term weight loss success. So first get rid of any sweets you may have at home and then limit dessert to once or twice per week when eating out. You can even go one step further by cutting the calories in half by splitting a dessert with a friend or family member.
The tips above will put your diet on track. Now, check out the resources below to put your workouts on track ;)
Crank it!
BJ's internationally renowned Get Sexy Boot Camps are Milwaukee's premier fitness boot camps for men and women. He is also the co-creator of Workout Muse: The World's FIRST and #1 Source for Fitness Music and Media Production.
PS- If you live in Vancouver, BC and want to experience the best rapid weight loss personal training, please click the link below:
North Vancouver's Best Personal Training
PPS- If you live in Vancouver, BC and want to experience the best rapid weight loss fitness boot camp, please click the link below:
North Vancouver's Best Fitness Boot Camp Tweet This
Saturday, August 1, 2009
The Government Conspiracy To Make Us Fat
This is a guest post by Dr. Saman Bakhtiar
In Washington, DC and everywhere else it seems as if the government, nutritionists, medical doctors and "established" organizations are hell-bent on making Americans FATTER by spewing utterly ridiculous and completely unsubstantiated advice about how to eat and lose weight.

Here are some of their most popular nutrition-related weight-loss myths:
Myth #1: A calorie is a calorie
First, let me ask you a commonsense weight loss question - if you had two identical twin sisters and you put them both on very different 1,500 calories diets. The first one ate all of her calories from McDonald's and the second one gets all of her calories from lean, healthy meats, fish, eggs, fresh fruits and vegetables, seeds, and a small amount of fresh dairy products. Do YOU think they'd look the same at the end of a year?
We have actually known that all calories are NOT created equal for at least 50 years, and we keep getting the same results over and over and over again.
Take this study for example. All participants were on hypocaloric diets (less calories than they need). All did the same amount of activity, ate the same number of calories, etc. The ONLY difference was where those calories came from. The results speak for themselves.
Group A: 1000 calories at 90% fat: lost 0.9lbs per day
Group B: 1000 calories at 90% protein: 0.6lbs per day
Group C: 1000 calories at 90% carbs - actually gained some weight (not really significant though).
We keep repeating these types of studies and we keep getting the exact same results
Why do our so-called authorities in Washington, DC keep selling us the same raft of lies? That is probably a book in and of itself, but here's the gist: Official nutrition recommendations are political and financial decisions - who made campaign contributions (it is DC)? Who's lobbying for what recommendations? What industry group does this scientist work for? Who paid for the research? Was it the same company that will make money off of its favorable results?
The list of questions goes on and on and on. Plus, there's also just plain old stubbornness - people like tradition, they like to do what they've always done.
Rarely are official nutrition recommendations the result of years of practical experience about what works and what doesn't, and a thorough and unbiased review of research. The people who make official recommendations do NOT usually work one-on-one with people helping them to get weight loss results. If your mortgage payment doesn't depend on your ability to produce results, then I do not care what you have to say.

Myth #2: High protein, moderate carbohydrate diets are unsafe
There are at least 15 years of peer-reviewed clinical research saying that there is absolutely no risk posed to normal, healthy people from short or long-term exposure to a high-protein diet. In fact, higher protein/moderate carbohydrate diets (I didn't say none or low carbohydrate) have consistently been shown to outperform low-fat/high-carb/low-protein diets for weight (fat)-loss, in the treatment of diabetes, and for heart health.
Myth #3: Juice is healthy

The federal government in Washington, DC and nutritionists would have you believe that drinking a glass of juice is the same as eating a piece of fruit. Well, the fact of the matter is that a glass of juice is about as nutritious as a glass of Pepsi.
A. To make a small 8 oz. glass of OJ, you must extract all of the sugar from FIVE oranges. Ounce for ounce, OJ has the same amount of sugar as Pepsi. Is it better because it's "natural"? NO! Cocaine is a plant extract, is it now a health food? All sugar comes from plants anyway. There is NOTHING more fattening than a bunch of sugar.
B. In the process of extracting the juice virtually ALL of the vitamins are lost due to exposure to the air and from the chemicals used to increase extraction yields from the fruits.
Conclusion: all sugar, no vitamins - not a health food. Instead of OJ, eat an actual orange. It has fiber, tastes good and it will make you feel full (unlike the juice, so it is really empty calories that your body won't register as having eaten them). Bureaucrats in Washington, DC don't necessarily have your best interests in mind when writing policy, sometimes they are trying to help sell more oranges because you can drink far more than you can eat.
Myth #4: Moderate drinking is healthy

Doctors love to say this one. They say it for two reasons, both of which are misleading at best:
Reason #1 is there was a large study of studies (meta analysis) that showed that people who drank moderately lived longer than those who did not drink at all. There's a HUGE problem with this study, former alcoholics and people who were so sick that they could not drink were lumped into the group of people who CHOSE not to drink. They took the average life expectancy of all those different types of people to get their "data."
If you're so sick that you can't drink alcohol, you probably don't have long to live. And being an alcoholic is VERY hard on your body and will probably shorten your lifespan.
Reason #2 is that alcohol thins your blood. Well, so does water and fish oil, and those have ONLY positive side effects. Whereas alcohol IS a toxin, and it does stimulate both fat storage and muscle loss - that is a bad combination for weight (fat)-loss.
Conclusion: Drinking in moderation is something that you do because you like it, not because it has any health benefits whatsoever. "But red wine is healthy" you say. The good stuff in red wine comes from the grapes that it was made out of - grapes. You can just eat the grapes and rid yourself of the alcohol.
Leave a comment below and let me know your thoughts or questions.
Resurrect Your Body Back to Life!
North Vancouver Personal Training Programs
North Vancouver Boot Camp Programs
P.S. Remember to leave a comment below with your thoughts. Tweet This
In Washington, DC and everywhere else it seems as if the government, nutritionists, medical doctors and "established" organizations are hell-bent on making Americans FATTER by spewing utterly ridiculous and completely unsubstantiated advice about how to eat and lose weight.

Here are some of their most popular nutrition-related weight-loss myths:
Myth #1: A calorie is a calorie
First, let me ask you a commonsense weight loss question - if you had two identical twin sisters and you put them both on very different 1,500 calories diets. The first one ate all of her calories from McDonald's and the second one gets all of her calories from lean, healthy meats, fish, eggs, fresh fruits and vegetables, seeds, and a small amount of fresh dairy products. Do YOU think they'd look the same at the end of a year?
We have actually known that all calories are NOT created equal for at least 50 years, and we keep getting the same results over and over and over again.
Take this study for example. All participants were on hypocaloric diets (less calories than they need). All did the same amount of activity, ate the same number of calories, etc. The ONLY difference was where those calories came from. The results speak for themselves.
Group A: 1000 calories at 90% fat: lost 0.9lbs per day
Group B: 1000 calories at 90% protein: 0.6lbs per day
Group C: 1000 calories at 90% carbs - actually gained some weight (not really significant though).
We keep repeating these types of studies and we keep getting the exact same results
Why do our so-called authorities in Washington, DC keep selling us the same raft of lies? That is probably a book in and of itself, but here's the gist: Official nutrition recommendations are political and financial decisions - who made campaign contributions (it is DC)? Who's lobbying for what recommendations? What industry group does this scientist work for? Who paid for the research? Was it the same company that will make money off of its favorable results?
The list of questions goes on and on and on. Plus, there's also just plain old stubbornness - people like tradition, they like to do what they've always done.
Rarely are official nutrition recommendations the result of years of practical experience about what works and what doesn't, and a thorough and unbiased review of research. The people who make official recommendations do NOT usually work one-on-one with people helping them to get weight loss results. If your mortgage payment doesn't depend on your ability to produce results, then I do not care what you have to say.

Myth #2: High protein, moderate carbohydrate diets are unsafe
There are at least 15 years of peer-reviewed clinical research saying that there is absolutely no risk posed to normal, healthy people from short or long-term exposure to a high-protein diet. In fact, higher protein/moderate carbohydrate diets (I didn't say none or low carbohydrate) have consistently been shown to outperform low-fat/high-carb/low-protein diets for weight (fat)-loss, in the treatment of diabetes, and for heart health.
Myth #3: Juice is healthy

The federal government in Washington, DC and nutritionists would have you believe that drinking a glass of juice is the same as eating a piece of fruit. Well, the fact of the matter is that a glass of juice is about as nutritious as a glass of Pepsi.
A. To make a small 8 oz. glass of OJ, you must extract all of the sugar from FIVE oranges. Ounce for ounce, OJ has the same amount of sugar as Pepsi. Is it better because it's "natural"? NO! Cocaine is a plant extract, is it now a health food? All sugar comes from plants anyway. There is NOTHING more fattening than a bunch of sugar.
B. In the process of extracting the juice virtually ALL of the vitamins are lost due to exposure to the air and from the chemicals used to increase extraction yields from the fruits.
Conclusion: all sugar, no vitamins - not a health food. Instead of OJ, eat an actual orange. It has fiber, tastes good and it will make you feel full (unlike the juice, so it is really empty calories that your body won't register as having eaten them). Bureaucrats in Washington, DC don't necessarily have your best interests in mind when writing policy, sometimes they are trying to help sell more oranges because you can drink far more than you can eat.
Myth #4: Moderate drinking is healthy

Doctors love to say this one. They say it for two reasons, both of which are misleading at best:
Reason #1 is there was a large study of studies (meta analysis) that showed that people who drank moderately lived longer than those who did not drink at all. There's a HUGE problem with this study, former alcoholics and people who were so sick that they could not drink were lumped into the group of people who CHOSE not to drink. They took the average life expectancy of all those different types of people to get their "data."
If you're so sick that you can't drink alcohol, you probably don't have long to live. And being an alcoholic is VERY hard on your body and will probably shorten your lifespan.
Reason #2 is that alcohol thins your blood. Well, so does water and fish oil, and those have ONLY positive side effects. Whereas alcohol IS a toxin, and it does stimulate both fat storage and muscle loss - that is a bad combination for weight (fat)-loss.
Conclusion: Drinking in moderation is something that you do because you like it, not because it has any health benefits whatsoever. "But red wine is healthy" you say. The good stuff in red wine comes from the grapes that it was made out of - grapes. You can just eat the grapes and rid yourself of the alcohol.
Leave a comment below and let me know your thoughts or questions.
Resurrect Your Body Back to Life!
North Vancouver Personal Training Programs
North Vancouver Boot Camp Programs
P.S. Remember to leave a comment below with your thoughts. Tweet This
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
5 Tips for Healthy Eating While Eating Out or Traveling
Mike Roussell, nationally renowned nutritionist, wrote a mini-article about eating out or while traveling that I thought you'd be interested.
Use these tips and stay lean!
Healthy eating while traveling is an ever growing issue for many people as more and more meals are eaten away from home. Unfortunately eating out and on the road can be very challenging if you are not prepared. Here are 5 tips to help you stay lean and healthy while traveling.
1. Always go low carb – Restaurant and packaged foods are always loaded with extra ‘hidden carbs’. Always choose the lower carb options when eating out – avoid traditional snack foods, breads, pasta dishes, etc. Stick to lean meats and vegetables when eating out.
2. Tell them not to bring it – A bread basket, french fries, or a side of potato chips are standard for many restaurant meals. Don’t temp yourself just ask your server not to bring it to the table or with your meal.
3. Know what you are going to eat – When traveling it is best to have some snacks with you and when you go out to eat have a general idea of what you are going to order. You’ll be less likely to be swayed by tempting calorie filled menu options.
4. Have a back up - Nothing is worse than being stuck in the car or in an airport with nothing to eat. You’ll get hungry and end up making bad choices (”There is nothing else around I guess I’ll have to eat the steak and cheese”). Keep a couple protein bars with you for back up. They travel well and don’t spoil.
5. Don’t Eat! – Seriously. This one isn’t for everyone. I’ve written about fasting for weight loss before, if you are someone that uses intermittent fasting to lose weight then you can follow fasting expert Brad Pilon’s lead and plan your fasts while you are traveling. Brad once told me that whenever he has to fly he always arranges it to be during a fast so he isn’t tempted by awful travel food.
Use some of these tips or use them all! Whatever you do don’t let traveling be your excuse for not staying lean and healthy.
P.S. To learn the A-Z plan for eating healthy and losing weight permanently pick up your copy of Naked Nutrition today.
Mike Roussell is a nationally renowned nutritionist and the president of the Naked Nutrition Network. He is currently a doctoral candidate in nutrition at Pennsylvania State University. Learn More About Mike Click Here Tweet This
Use these tips and stay lean!
Healthy eating while traveling is an ever growing issue for many people as more and more meals are eaten away from home. Unfortunately eating out and on the road can be very challenging if you are not prepared. Here are 5 tips to help you stay lean and healthy while traveling.
1. Always go low carb – Restaurant and packaged foods are always loaded with extra ‘hidden carbs’. Always choose the lower carb options when eating out – avoid traditional snack foods, breads, pasta dishes, etc. Stick to lean meats and vegetables when eating out.
2. Tell them not to bring it – A bread basket, french fries, or a side of potato chips are standard for many restaurant meals. Don’t temp yourself just ask your server not to bring it to the table or with your meal.
3. Know what you are going to eat – When traveling it is best to have some snacks with you and when you go out to eat have a general idea of what you are going to order. You’ll be less likely to be swayed by tempting calorie filled menu options.
4. Have a back up - Nothing is worse than being stuck in the car or in an airport with nothing to eat. You’ll get hungry and end up making bad choices (”There is nothing else around I guess I’ll have to eat the steak and cheese”). Keep a couple protein bars with you for back up. They travel well and don’t spoil.
5. Don’t Eat! – Seriously. This one isn’t for everyone. I’ve written about fasting for weight loss before, if you are someone that uses intermittent fasting to lose weight then you can follow fasting expert Brad Pilon’s lead and plan your fasts while you are traveling. Brad once told me that whenever he has to fly he always arranges it to be during a fast so he isn’t tempted by awful travel food.
Use some of these tips or use them all! Whatever you do don’t let traveling be your excuse for not staying lean and healthy.
P.S. To learn the A-Z plan for eating healthy and losing weight permanently pick up your copy of Naked Nutrition today.
Mike Roussell is a nationally renowned nutritionist and the president of the Naked Nutrition Network. He is currently a doctoral candidate in nutrition at Pennsylvania State University. Learn More About Mike Click Here Tweet This
eating out,
fat loss,
weight loss
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
A Healthy Snack with Chocolate?
Look, you know as well as I do that you can’t just snack on fatty foods all day long and wake up one day to the body of your dreams.
It’s funny how those infomercials make you want to believe you can eat anything and everything and still watch the pounds melt off.
Ummm, it doesn’t work that way.
But you CAN enjoy your favorite foods in moderation and look great.
Now I realize not everyone loves chocolate, but a lot of people do. And if you’re one of them I’ve got some great news for you.
If you’ve never heard of Prograde Cravers before (I know some of my clients are well aware of them), well, you’re really missing out. They’re 180 calories of organic dark chocolate.
Again, you can’t just eat an entire box of these healthy snack bars and suddenly slip into the bikini or pair of pants you wore when you were a teenager.
But they DO fit into a fat loss plan. Ok, so here’s two things you need to know:
1) Prograde Cravers are on sale this week. And trust me, you MUST try them if you are a chocolate lover. You save 11% on all their delicious flavors this week only.
2) Check out the video from Registered Dietitian Jayson Hunter to discover how Prograde Cravers fit into your rapid fat loss plan.
Everything you need to know about this awesome sale - including the video from Jayson Hunter - is just a click away. Just click here
PS - The 11% off Prograde Cravers sale ends this Friday, July, 17th at 11:59pm EST, so make sure you order right away. Tweet This
It’s funny how those infomercials make you want to believe you can eat anything and everything and still watch the pounds melt off.
Ummm, it doesn’t work that way.
But you CAN enjoy your favorite foods in moderation and look great.
Now I realize not everyone loves chocolate, but a lot of people do. And if you’re one of them I’ve got some great news for you.
If you’ve never heard of Prograde Cravers before (I know some of my clients are well aware of them), well, you’re really missing out. They’re 180 calories of organic dark chocolate.
Again, you can’t just eat an entire box of these healthy snack bars and suddenly slip into the bikini or pair of pants you wore when you were a teenager.
But they DO fit into a fat loss plan. Ok, so here’s two things you need to know:
1) Prograde Cravers are on sale this week. And trust me, you MUST try them if you are a chocolate lover. You save 11% on all their delicious flavors this week only.
2) Check out the video from Registered Dietitian Jayson Hunter to discover how Prograde Cravers fit into your rapid fat loss plan.
Everything you need to know about this awesome sale - including the video from Jayson Hunter - is just a click away. Just click here
PS - The 11% off Prograde Cravers sale ends this Friday, July, 17th at 11:59pm EST, so make sure you order right away. Tweet This
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Prograde Nutrition 'Summer is Here' Sale
My friends at Prograde Nutrition are very excited that summer
is here. I am, too. Nicer weather means more and more people are
getting outside and getting some exercise. They're playing with
their kids, swimming and having fun.
And that's always cause for celebration.
Anyway, Prograde is having a sale on it's best-selling product, EFA
Icon. I've told you about it before. It has amazing benefits:
Help protect your heart
Improve your memory
Strengthen your immune system
Minimize the damage caused by free radicals
Reduce joint pain and PMS symptoms
Aid the fat loss process
But don't take my word for it. Or Prograde's.
Check out this video that tells you all about the research done on
Krill Oil, the main ingredient in Prograde's EFA Icon.
That page will also give you all the details on the sale. But
hurry, because it ends this Friday, June 26th at 11:59pm EST.
Resurrect your body back to life,
PS - EFA Icon is an absolutely amazing supplement. But again, don't
take my word for it. Learn about the research behind it.
http://tyron.getprograde.com/specials Tweet This
is here. I am, too. Nicer weather means more and more people are
getting outside and getting some exercise. They're playing with
their kids, swimming and having fun.
And that's always cause for celebration.
Anyway, Prograde is having a sale on it's best-selling product, EFA
Icon. I've told you about it before. It has amazing benefits:
Help protect your heart
Improve your memory
Strengthen your immune system
Minimize the damage caused by free radicals
Reduce joint pain and PMS symptoms
Aid the fat loss process
But don't take my word for it. Or Prograde's.
Check out this video that tells you all about the research done on
Krill Oil, the main ingredient in Prograde's EFA Icon.
That page will also give you all the details on the sale. But
hurry, because it ends this Friday, June 26th at 11:59pm EST.
Resurrect your body back to life,
PS - EFA Icon is an absolutely amazing supplement. But again, don't
take my word for it. Learn about the research behind it.
http://tyron.getprograde.com/specials Tweet This
Monday, June 22, 2009
North Vancouver Fitness Bootcamp - Workouts of the Week
North Vancouver Personal Trainer and Boot Camp Instructor Reveals Fat Loss Workouts That Melt Body Fat Fast!
Give them a try. I'd like to hear how you make out. Leave a comment below and let me know.
Workout of the Day - June 15 '09
1. 30 sec per exercise, 5 rounds
Exercise #1 - Stationary Running
Exercise #2 - Plank
2. 30 sec per exercise, 5 rounds
Exercise #1 - Jump Rope
Exercise #2 - Knees to Chin
Workout of the Day - June 17 '09
1. 50 sec on, 10 sec off, alternate between exercises with little rest
Exercise #1 - DB Squat and Press
Exercise #2 - Plank Walkups
Exercise #3 - Side Plank
Exercise #4 - Burpees
Exercise #5 - Leg Raises
Workout of the Day - June 19 '09
Roll the Dice!
Whatever 2 numbers you roll those are the exercises you do before rolling the dice twice again
As many rounds as possible, 1 round = 3 Get-ups + 2 exercises
Start each round with 3 Turkish Get-ups
If you roll a:
1. Bench Jumps x 15
2. Floor Wipes x 15
3. SB Rollouts x 15
4. Floor Wipes x 15
5. Inverted Row x 15
6. DB Clean and Press x 15
Resurrect Your Body Back to Life!
North Vancouver Personal Training Programs
North Vancouver Boot Camp Programs
P.S. Remember to leave a comment below with how you made out as well as with any fat melting workouts of your own as I'd like to hear about them. Tweet This
Give them a try. I'd like to hear how you make out. Leave a comment below and let me know.
Workout of the Day - June 15 '09
1. 30 sec per exercise, 5 rounds
Exercise #1 - Stationary Running
Exercise #2 - Plank
2. 30 sec per exercise, 5 rounds
Exercise #1 - Jump Rope
Exercise #2 - Knees to Chin
Workout of the Day - June 17 '09
1. 50 sec on, 10 sec off, alternate between exercises with little rest
Exercise #1 - DB Squat and Press
Exercise #2 - Plank Walkups
Exercise #3 - Side Plank
Exercise #4 - Burpees
Exercise #5 - Leg Raises
Workout of the Day - June 19 '09
Roll the Dice!
Whatever 2 numbers you roll those are the exercises you do before rolling the dice twice again
As many rounds as possible, 1 round = 3 Get-ups + 2 exercises
Start each round with 3 Turkish Get-ups
If you roll a:
1. Bench Jumps x 15
2. Floor Wipes x 15
3. SB Rollouts x 15
4. Floor Wipes x 15
5. Inverted Row x 15
6. DB Clean and Press x 15
Resurrect Your Body Back to Life!
North Vancouver Personal Training Programs
North Vancouver Boot Camp Programs
P.S. Remember to leave a comment below with how you made out as well as with any fat melting workouts of your own as I'd like to hear about them. Tweet This
Friday, June 19, 2009
North Vancouver Boot Camp - Workouts of the Week
North Vancouver Personal Trainer and Boot Camp Instructor Reveals Fat Loss Workouts That Melt Body Fat Fast!
Give them a try. I'd like to hear how you make out. Leave a comment below and let me know.
Workout of the Day - Jan. 28 '09
1. As many rounds as possible
Exercise #1 - Jump Rope x 45
Exercise #2 - Renegade Rows x 15
Exercise #3 - Burpees x 10
Exercise #4 - Knees to chin x 25
2. Tabata - 20 sec on, 10 sec off, 4 total rounds
Exercise #1 - Side to Side Jumps
Exercise #2 - Jumping Jacks/Jumping Claps
Exercise #3 - Ice Skaters
Exercise #4 - Stationary Torso Twists
Workout of the Day - Jan. 30 '09
1. 30 sec on, 30 sec on, alternate between exercises with little rest
Exercise #1 - Goblet Squats
Exercise #2 - Inverted Row
Exercise #3 - DB Squat and Press
Exercise #4 - Get Up Sit Ups
2. 2 rounds as fast as you can
Exercise #1 - Squats x 24
Exercise #2 - Alternating Lunges x 12 per leg
Exercise #3 - Jump Squats x 24
Exercise #4 - Squat hold x 24 sec
Resurrect Your Body Back to Life!
North Vancouver Personal Training Programs
North Vancouver Boot Camp Programs
P.S. Remember to leave a comment below with how you made out as well as with any fat melting workouts of your own as I'd like to hear about them. Tweet This
Give them a try. I'd like to hear how you make out. Leave a comment below and let me know.
Workout of the Day - Jan. 28 '09
1. As many rounds as possible
Exercise #1 - Jump Rope x 45
Exercise #2 - Renegade Rows x 15
Exercise #3 - Burpees x 10
Exercise #4 - Knees to chin x 25
2. Tabata - 20 sec on, 10 sec off, 4 total rounds
Exercise #1 - Side to Side Jumps
Exercise #2 - Jumping Jacks/Jumping Claps
Exercise #3 - Ice Skaters
Exercise #4 - Stationary Torso Twists
Workout of the Day - Jan. 30 '09
1. 30 sec on, 30 sec on, alternate between exercises with little rest
Exercise #1 - Goblet Squats
Exercise #2 - Inverted Row
Exercise #3 - DB Squat and Press
Exercise #4 - Get Up Sit Ups
2. 2 rounds as fast as you can
Exercise #1 - Squats x 24
Exercise #2 - Alternating Lunges x 12 per leg
Exercise #3 - Jump Squats x 24
Exercise #4 - Squat hold x 24 sec
Resurrect Your Body Back to Life!
North Vancouver Personal Training Programs
North Vancouver Boot Camp Programs
P.S. Remember to leave a comment below with how you made out as well as with any fat melting workouts of your own as I'd like to hear about them. Tweet This
Thursday, June 18, 2009
North Vancouver Personal Trainer Shares 6 Father’s Day Fitness Tips
Though Father’s Day should be a time for celebrating what our father’s have sacrificed to allow us to lead the lives of our dreams, it may however be a rude awakening.
Look, no one wants to be Debbie Downer, but someone has to say something already.
Our father’s are now in the worst shape of their lives, many suffering from a very dangerous condition called Metabolic Syndrome X.

One of the main indicators of someone who has metabolic disorder is abdominal obesity, as clearly demonstrated in the picture above. The dangerous part is that many of our father’s look just like this!
Please read below for an excellent description of Metabolic Syndrome from www.MedicineNet.com:
What is metabolic syndrome?
An association between certain metabolic disorders and cardiovascular disease has been known since the 1940s. In the 1980s this association became more clearly defined and the term metabolic syndrome (also known as syndrome X or the dysmetabolic syndrome) was coined to designate a cluster of metabolic risk factors that come together in a single individual. In more current times, the term metabolic syndrome is found throughout medical literature and in the lay press as well. There are slight differences in the criteria of diagnosis - depending on which authority is quoted. Regardless, the concept of a clustering of risks factors leading to cardiovascular disease is well accepted.
The main features of metabolic syndrome include insulin resistance, hypertension (high blood pressure), cholesterol abnormalities, and an increased risk for clotting. Patients are most often overweight or obese.
Insulin resistance refers to the diminished ability of cells to respond to the action of insulin in promoting the transport of the sugar glucose, from blood into muscles and other tissues. Because of the central role that insulin resistance plays in the metabolic syndrome, a separate article is devoted to insulin resistance.
How is metabolic syndrome defined?
The definition of metabolic syndrome depends on which group of experts is doing the defining. Based on the guidelines from the 2001 National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel (ATP III), any three of the following traits in the same individual meet the criteria for the metabolic syndrome:
1. Abdominal obesity: a waist circumference over 102 cm (40 in) in men and over 88 cm (35 inches) in women.
2. Serum triglycerides 150 mg/dl or above.
3. HDL cholesterol 40mg/dl or lower in men and 50mg/dl or lower in women.
4. Blood pressure of 130/85 or more.
5. Fasting blood glucose of 110 mg/dl or above. (Some groups say 100mg/dl)
The World Health Organization (WHO) has slightly different criteria for the metabolic syndrome:
1. High insulin levels, an elevated fasting blood glucose or an elevated post meal glucose alone with at least 2 of the following criteria:
2. Abdominal obesity as defined by a waist to hip ratio of greater than 0.9, a body mass index of at least 30 kg/m2 or a waist measurement over 37 inches.
3. Cholesterol panel showing a triglyceride level of at least 150 mg/dl or an HDL cholesterol lower than 35 mg/dl.
4. Blood pressure of 140/90 or above (or on treatment for high blood pressure).
And though Metabolic Syndrome affects more women than men, there is certainly no shortage of men 40 years and older who have that “deadly beer gut” that literally makes them a ticking time bomb for a slew of serious medical conditions.
But there is good news amongst this frightening reality: The most common cause of metabolic disorder is of course a vicious combination of a lack of exercise and poor diet.
See below for the top 6 fitness tips to help save our father’s lives:
1.) Lay off the Brewskis

It’s no wonder why our dads have more of a keg for a gut than a six-pack. See below for one of the best way of explaining how detrimental alcohol can be on your body composition:
How Alcohol Makes You Fat
-Alcohol first passes through the esophagus as it travels to your stomach.
-From there, 20% of the alcohol is absorbed immediately by your bloodstream.
-The remaining alcohol travels to your intestines and is absorbed from there.
-The alcohol in your bloodstream then travels directly to your liver. It is here that the body breaks the alcohol down, something that is absolutely essential since
alcohol is toxic to the body.
-Alcohol brakes down into acetate and acetaldehyde which IMMEDIATELY signals to your body to stop burning fat. Even worse, another waste product of alcohol, acetyl CoA, actually starts to make more body fat.
If you booze, you WON’T lose fat!
What Does this Mean?
-Your body can only effectively process 0.5 to 1 ounce of alcohol per hour
-How much damage? A 12-ounce beer contains about 0.6 ounces of alcohol. If
you consumed 5 of these, your body would be inhibited from fat burning for up to
6 hours. This is aside from the fact that your body will actually be storing fat
during these 6 hours! The more you drink, the longer your body is inhibited from
burning fat in addition to a greater fat build up from excess acetyl CoA. As you
can see, one day of binge drinking can set you back days if not a full week when
it comes to fat loss!
-What’s the worst-case scenario? Mixing alcohol with sugary beverages
promotes even further fat gain due to the resulting insulin surge that triggers fat
storage (e.g. regular beer or cocktails mixed with regular soda and/or fruit juice)
The Bottom Line
If you want to be lean, you must minimize ALCOHOL consumption!
If you must drink:
a.) Choose wine or hard liquor and “light” beer
b.) Limit alcohol consumption to 1-2 days per week with a 1-2 drink per day max
Campbell and Volek, “TNT Diet: Targeted Nutrition Tactics”
2.) Quit training JUST your upper body and work your lower body
Most dads just want to do the typical meathead workout that emphasizes the upper body only. If you are going for the Johnny Bravo look where you are built up top with chicken legs for wheels, then keep doing what you’re doing. Note: I used to do this, I only trained my upper body; HUGE mistake!
However, it is important to note that strong, muscular legs are the key to torching the fat on your stomach. After all, the majority of your body’s muscle mass, and thus metabolism, is contained within your lower body. Not working your legs is like going to a gun fight without a gun, and here’s why:
a.) Training your whole body (legs included) not only helps you burn more calories each workout, it also maximally depletes your body’s glycogen stores (the sugar in your muscles) to allow for more total body fat burning
b.) The more lean muscle mass you have in your lower body the more calories your body will be burning 24-7-365 outside of your workouts
c.) Whenever you work your legs you generate the largest increases in natural anabolic hormone levels which translates into more total body muscle and less unwanted body fat
So if you want better abs, you better start using those legs! This can be easily accomplished with 3 total body workouts per week that train your upper body, lower body, and core within the same workout.
3.) Do something besides bench presses and curls
I can totally understand why guys don’t want to train their legs (as I didn't train them years ago). Unless you are wearing really short shorts or swim with a speedo, no one is going to see them! So there is simply not as much motivation to put the time and effort into your lower body as there is for your upper body which is always on full display at the beach or poolside.

Nothing beats a little chest and bi’s workout as most guys would think!
However, if you are trying to develop a really nice upper body, you need to start venturing outside the realm of bench presses and curls. Don’t forget, you have muscles on the backside of your body too!, i.e. upper, mid and lower back.
In fact, your lats (the wings that extend from your arm pit to the bottom of your rib cage) are the biggest muscles in your upper body and when developed they really help promote that V-shaped torso that both makes your waist look smaller and your wife happy ;)

Bruce Lee- The Lat Master Himself
Start doing at least the same amount of pulling as pushing (if not more) unless you want to end up like the Hunchback of Notre Dame.
Quasimodo did way too many bench presses and curls… not the look you want.
Lastly, only do isolation movements like bicep curls if you have extra time after your main workout. Compound movements like rows and pull-ups work your biceps just as hard and since they allow for the use of heavier loads, they also provide a better growth stimulus to maximize results in minimal time.
4.) Accept the fact that you probably need some professional fitness advice
Do you want to get results? Michael Koss has. He lost 105 lbs of fat. He’s a busy executive and father of 4 in his 50’s and he spent 20+ years doing everything wrong from both a training and nutrition perspective until he learned what worked. Michael said his best advice for people that are in the same position today as he was before he transformed himself is:
“What you don’t know will hurt you, but what you think you know will KILL you!”
Seek out a fitness expert like busy dad Michael did and get life-changing results!
Dads- don't be stubborn and macho. It doesn’t make you any less of a man to hire a personal trainer or join a boot camp because your wife and her girlfriends do it. In reality, your wife (and women in general) are wise because they effectively outsource their fitness needs to an expert as opposed to trying to re-invent the wheel on your own with little to no results.
If you want to lose your gut, follow the lead of the ladies ;)
5.) Make the time for a 5-minute warm-up
You simply can’t afford to NOT warm-up. It’s like pushing the pedal to the medal in the dead of winter in your frozen car- things just don’t work right and you’re not going anywhere.

A cold body, like a cold car, doesn’t run on all cylinders
It only takes about 3-5 minutes to lengthen your muscles and lubricate your joints to best prevent injury and ready your body for a more effective workout, so don’t skip the warm-up!
Below is a great 5-minute body weight warm-up you can use:
Alternate between 50 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest for each exercise in the following warm-up circuit:
1- Stationary Running
2- Jumping Jacks
3- Lunge, Reach and Twist (left leg)
4- Lunge, Reach and Twist (right leg)
5- Push-up Walkouts
6.) The “no pain-no gain” attitude will leave you a bitter, crippled, and grumpy old man
The “no pain, no gain” methodology is quite possible the most abused practice in fitness. Pain is a good thing as long as it’s the right type of pain as outlined below:
When exercise BURNS YOUR MUSCLES that’s a good pain- this means you are pushing past your comfort zone to inspire change, working with intensity to torch calories and build muscle, and burning sugar so your body can burn fat for hours and hours after your workout.
When exercise HURTS YOUR JOINTS that’s a bad pain- it means you are quickly wearing down the structural integrity of your joints and will soon be unable to do anything without pain or stiffness. This is most often caused by a combination of using too heavy of loads, poor exercise form and technique, strength imbalances, and lack of mobility and/or flexibility- more reason to heed Tip #4 and seek professional help!
I have worked with dads/husbands who have beaten their bodies down and its said when a dad can’t play with his kids or participate in recreational activities with his buddies because of the mess his body is in. Do yourself and your family a favor and stop being stubborn when it comes to exercise. Exercise doesn’t have to hurt to get results and nobody wants another grumpy AND injured old man ;)

Happy Father’s Day! Although my dad passed away when I was 2.5 years old and is in Heaven now, he left a great legacy for me and he was a man who loved his family and lived a life of honour. Thanks for that Dad, I love you and I'll see you soon!
Resurrect your body back to life!
North Vancouver Personal Training Programs
North Vancouver Boot Camp Programs
http://www.ResurrectYourBodyBootCamp.com Tweet This
Look, no one wants to be Debbie Downer, but someone has to say something already.
Our father’s are now in the worst shape of their lives, many suffering from a very dangerous condition called Metabolic Syndrome X.

One of the main indicators of someone who has metabolic disorder is abdominal obesity, as clearly demonstrated in the picture above. The dangerous part is that many of our father’s look just like this!
Please read below for an excellent description of Metabolic Syndrome from www.MedicineNet.com:
What is metabolic syndrome?
An association between certain metabolic disorders and cardiovascular disease has been known since the 1940s. In the 1980s this association became more clearly defined and the term metabolic syndrome (also known as syndrome X or the dysmetabolic syndrome) was coined to designate a cluster of metabolic risk factors that come together in a single individual. In more current times, the term metabolic syndrome is found throughout medical literature and in the lay press as well. There are slight differences in the criteria of diagnosis - depending on which authority is quoted. Regardless, the concept of a clustering of risks factors leading to cardiovascular disease is well accepted.
The main features of metabolic syndrome include insulin resistance, hypertension (high blood pressure), cholesterol abnormalities, and an increased risk for clotting. Patients are most often overweight or obese.
Insulin resistance refers to the diminished ability of cells to respond to the action of insulin in promoting the transport of the sugar glucose, from blood into muscles and other tissues. Because of the central role that insulin resistance plays in the metabolic syndrome, a separate article is devoted to insulin resistance.
How is metabolic syndrome defined?
The definition of metabolic syndrome depends on which group of experts is doing the defining. Based on the guidelines from the 2001 National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel (ATP III), any three of the following traits in the same individual meet the criteria for the metabolic syndrome:
1. Abdominal obesity: a waist circumference over 102 cm (40 in) in men and over 88 cm (35 inches) in women.
2. Serum triglycerides 150 mg/dl or above.
3. HDL cholesterol 40mg/dl or lower in men and 50mg/dl or lower in women.
4. Blood pressure of 130/85 or more.
5. Fasting blood glucose of 110 mg/dl or above. (Some groups say 100mg/dl)
The World Health Organization (WHO) has slightly different criteria for the metabolic syndrome:
1. High insulin levels, an elevated fasting blood glucose or an elevated post meal glucose alone with at least 2 of the following criteria:
2. Abdominal obesity as defined by a waist to hip ratio of greater than 0.9, a body mass index of at least 30 kg/m2 or a waist measurement over 37 inches.
3. Cholesterol panel showing a triglyceride level of at least 150 mg/dl or an HDL cholesterol lower than 35 mg/dl.
4. Blood pressure of 140/90 or above (or on treatment for high blood pressure).
And though Metabolic Syndrome affects more women than men, there is certainly no shortage of men 40 years and older who have that “deadly beer gut” that literally makes them a ticking time bomb for a slew of serious medical conditions.
But there is good news amongst this frightening reality: The most common cause of metabolic disorder is of course a vicious combination of a lack of exercise and poor diet.
See below for the top 6 fitness tips to help save our father’s lives:
1.) Lay off the Brewskis

It’s no wonder why our dads have more of a keg for a gut than a six-pack. See below for one of the best way of explaining how detrimental alcohol can be on your body composition:
How Alcohol Makes You Fat
-Alcohol first passes through the esophagus as it travels to your stomach.
-From there, 20% of the alcohol is absorbed immediately by your bloodstream.
-The remaining alcohol travels to your intestines and is absorbed from there.
-The alcohol in your bloodstream then travels directly to your liver. It is here that the body breaks the alcohol down, something that is absolutely essential since
alcohol is toxic to the body.
-Alcohol brakes down into acetate and acetaldehyde which IMMEDIATELY signals to your body to stop burning fat. Even worse, another waste product of alcohol, acetyl CoA, actually starts to make more body fat.
If you booze, you WON’T lose fat!
What Does this Mean?
-Your body can only effectively process 0.5 to 1 ounce of alcohol per hour
-How much damage? A 12-ounce beer contains about 0.6 ounces of alcohol. If
you consumed 5 of these, your body would be inhibited from fat burning for up to
6 hours. This is aside from the fact that your body will actually be storing fat
during these 6 hours! The more you drink, the longer your body is inhibited from
burning fat in addition to a greater fat build up from excess acetyl CoA. As you
can see, one day of binge drinking can set you back days if not a full week when
it comes to fat loss!
-What’s the worst-case scenario? Mixing alcohol with sugary beverages
promotes even further fat gain due to the resulting insulin surge that triggers fat
storage (e.g. regular beer or cocktails mixed with regular soda and/or fruit juice)
The Bottom Line
If you want to be lean, you must minimize ALCOHOL consumption!
If you must drink:
a.) Choose wine or hard liquor and “light” beer
b.) Limit alcohol consumption to 1-2 days per week with a 1-2 drink per day max
Campbell and Volek, “TNT Diet: Targeted Nutrition Tactics”
2.) Quit training JUST your upper body and work your lower body
Most dads just want to do the typical meathead workout that emphasizes the upper body only. If you are going for the Johnny Bravo look where you are built up top with chicken legs for wheels, then keep doing what you’re doing. Note: I used to do this, I only trained my upper body; HUGE mistake!

However, it is important to note that strong, muscular legs are the key to torching the fat on your stomach. After all, the majority of your body’s muscle mass, and thus metabolism, is contained within your lower body. Not working your legs is like going to a gun fight without a gun, and here’s why:
a.) Training your whole body (legs included) not only helps you burn more calories each workout, it also maximally depletes your body’s glycogen stores (the sugar in your muscles) to allow for more total body fat burning
b.) The more lean muscle mass you have in your lower body the more calories your body will be burning 24-7-365 outside of your workouts
c.) Whenever you work your legs you generate the largest increases in natural anabolic hormone levels which translates into more total body muscle and less unwanted body fat
So if you want better abs, you better start using those legs! This can be easily accomplished with 3 total body workouts per week that train your upper body, lower body, and core within the same workout.
3.) Do something besides bench presses and curls
I can totally understand why guys don’t want to train their legs (as I didn't train them years ago). Unless you are wearing really short shorts or swim with a speedo, no one is going to see them! So there is simply not as much motivation to put the time and effort into your lower body as there is for your upper body which is always on full display at the beach or poolside.

Nothing beats a little chest and bi’s workout as most guys would think!
However, if you are trying to develop a really nice upper body, you need to start venturing outside the realm of bench presses and curls. Don’t forget, you have muscles on the backside of your body too!, i.e. upper, mid and lower back.
In fact, your lats (the wings that extend from your arm pit to the bottom of your rib cage) are the biggest muscles in your upper body and when developed they really help promote that V-shaped torso that both makes your waist look smaller and your wife happy ;)

Bruce Lee- The Lat Master Himself
Start doing at least the same amount of pulling as pushing (if not more) unless you want to end up like the Hunchback of Notre Dame.

Quasimodo did way too many bench presses and curls… not the look you want.
Lastly, only do isolation movements like bicep curls if you have extra time after your main workout. Compound movements like rows and pull-ups work your biceps just as hard and since they allow for the use of heavier loads, they also provide a better growth stimulus to maximize results in minimal time.
4.) Accept the fact that you probably need some professional fitness advice
Do you want to get results? Michael Koss has. He lost 105 lbs of fat. He’s a busy executive and father of 4 in his 50’s and he spent 20+ years doing everything wrong from both a training and nutrition perspective until he learned what worked. Michael said his best advice for people that are in the same position today as he was before he transformed himself is:
“What you don’t know will hurt you, but what you think you know will KILL you!”

Seek out a fitness expert like busy dad Michael did and get life-changing results!
Dads- don't be stubborn and macho. It doesn’t make you any less of a man to hire a personal trainer or join a boot camp because your wife and her girlfriends do it. In reality, your wife (and women in general) are wise because they effectively outsource their fitness needs to an expert as opposed to trying to re-invent the wheel on your own with little to no results.
If you want to lose your gut, follow the lead of the ladies ;)
5.) Make the time for a 5-minute warm-up
You simply can’t afford to NOT warm-up. It’s like pushing the pedal to the medal in the dead of winter in your frozen car- things just don’t work right and you’re not going anywhere.

A cold body, like a cold car, doesn’t run on all cylinders
It only takes about 3-5 minutes to lengthen your muscles and lubricate your joints to best prevent injury and ready your body for a more effective workout, so don’t skip the warm-up!
Below is a great 5-minute body weight warm-up you can use:
Alternate between 50 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest for each exercise in the following warm-up circuit:
1- Stationary Running
2- Jumping Jacks
3- Lunge, Reach and Twist (left leg)
4- Lunge, Reach and Twist (right leg)
5- Push-up Walkouts
6.) The “no pain-no gain” attitude will leave you a bitter, crippled, and grumpy old man
The “no pain, no gain” methodology is quite possible the most abused practice in fitness. Pain is a good thing as long as it’s the right type of pain as outlined below:
When exercise BURNS YOUR MUSCLES that’s a good pain- this means you are pushing past your comfort zone to inspire change, working with intensity to torch calories and build muscle, and burning sugar so your body can burn fat for hours and hours after your workout.
When exercise HURTS YOUR JOINTS that’s a bad pain- it means you are quickly wearing down the structural integrity of your joints and will soon be unable to do anything without pain or stiffness. This is most often caused by a combination of using too heavy of loads, poor exercise form and technique, strength imbalances, and lack of mobility and/or flexibility- more reason to heed Tip #4 and seek professional help!
I have worked with dads/husbands who have beaten their bodies down and its said when a dad can’t play with his kids or participate in recreational activities with his buddies because of the mess his body is in. Do yourself and your family a favor and stop being stubborn when it comes to exercise. Exercise doesn’t have to hurt to get results and nobody wants another grumpy AND injured old man ;)

Happy Father’s Day! Although my dad passed away when I was 2.5 years old and is in Heaven now, he left a great legacy for me and he was a man who loved his family and lived a life of honour. Thanks for that Dad, I love you and I'll see you soon!
Resurrect your body back to life!
North Vancouver Personal Training Programs
North Vancouver Boot Camp Programs
http://www.ResurrectYourBodyBootCamp.com Tweet This
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